Page 4 of Deja Brew

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Bring some joy to the town in doing so.

Create, over time, a community sort of center in my shop.

All had been going to plan.

Until my second shipment came in.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Because it wasn’t just my coffee in those tins.

Oh, no.

It was brick after brick of cocaine.

And let’s just say I was under strict orders about what to do with said cocaine. With that, you know, ‘or else’ hanging over my head.

I wouldn’t pretend to be any sort of criminal expert.

But I knew that there was one thing you didn’t fuck with.

And that was the cocaine cartels.

“Says here you picked it up this morning,” the clerk said, and I swear my stomach fell to my feet.

“What?” I asked, voice a harsh whisper.

“Got a signature right here,” he said, passing a form over to me.

Sure enough, that was mynameon that line. But it wasn’t my signature. How could it be? I’d been at work at the time.

“That’s not my signature,” I said, a cold sweat breaking out down my back. “I didn’t pick this up. There’s some kind of mistake.”

“Maybe someone at your shop picked it up,” he said, shrugging, and tucking away the paperwork like it was a done deal.

“No. I’m the only person there. And I didn’t pick it up. Someone here screwed up.”

“Gonna have to take that up with the boss in the morning,” he said, not sounding the least bit apologetic. “Nothing I can do about it.”


“Told you I can’t do shit about it. Come back in the morning,” he barked, then slid the glass closed.

I walked on numb legs back to my car, sliding into the driver’s seat, and locking my doors.

I couldn’t tell you how long I sat there, my heart hammering, my throat tightening.

It wasn’t a shipment of coffee that had gone missing. Annoying, but fixable. I didn’t go through all the coffee I was ordering. I didn’t have enough business to drink it all. But I wasn’t allowed to change my order.

Bricks of freaking cocaine were missing.

The order each month was twenty tins of coffee.

Each had one brick of cocaine in it.

An internet search told me that each kilo went for something like twenty grand on the street.

That meant that almost half a million dollars of cocaine were now missing.
