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Before Drake could commence the conversation, Blair headed him off. “I won’t cancel my plans, Drake, if that’s why you’ve called this lovely little session.”

“And why won’t you?” Drake’s mouth twisted in disapproval. “This is a fool’s errand. You’re going to walk into the belly of the beast and attempt to be something you’re not.”

“Might I remind you, little brother, that I’ve been writing for publications longer than your wife has been alive,” she growled. “I may not be human, but I understand the business in a way that no other immortal does. I am the most logical choice.”

“As we discussed,” Nina interrupted, “Blair will be infiltrating Torrin’s newspaper as a managing columnist. The intent is to gather information on theCitizens’plans and potentially identify additional members of the group—if there are any who work for him.”

There’d already been too much bloodshed where Blair was concerned. TheCitizenshad lost the right to an amicable end when they’d taken her fledgling and mercilessly tortured him. While she wouldn’t voice it here, she’d exterminate Torrin when she had the chance.

“I still think we can solve this without endangering one of our own,” Kane said, disapproval weighing heavy upon his features. “Blair is taking a colossal risk in exposing herself to direct contact with Torrin. Must I remind you what happened to Rona and Gideon when they took the same risk with anotherCitizensleader? Or Lucius for that matter?”

“But I won’t be approaching him as an immortal, Kane,” Blair reminded him. “To him, I’ll simply be another faceless journalist.”

“You’re still assuming all the risk.” Drake shook his head slightly. “I’d prefer we find another way.”

“Then good thing it’s not your decision, Drake,” Blair said. “I’m going whether you approve or not. TheCitizensare a threat to the immortal world—tous—and I intend to remove them from the picture.”

“By gathering information,” Lucius reminded her. “As we’ve discussed, this isn’t a suicide mission, sire.”

“Of course not.” Her voice was edged in sarcasm. “That’d be ridiculous.”

Her fledgling held her gaze, the intensity of it radiating from his severe expression. Lucius, as always, saw too much. Undoubtedly, they’d share words later if she allowed it.

After several more rounds of aggravating debate with the vampires, Nina finally aired her thoughts. “Should Blair run into trouble, she’s agreed to use telepathy to contact me. It’ll be a simple remote teleport out of danger. There is little risk.”

Grumbling, Lucius shook his head indignantly at Nina but maintained the proper respect due her station. “She may not have time to react, sire. What if she is ambushed like I was?”

“Stop worrying, Lucius,” came Blair’s sharp reprimand. “Torrin won’t know what I am, and I’m the only one capable of masking my vampiric traits. The gains outweigh the risk. End of story.”

Lucius turned to Nina. “If we sent a Raeth, we wouldn’t have to worry about vampiric traits.”

“I don’t know a single Raeth who knows what InDesign is, Luc, nor the difference between kerning and tracking in text.” Her eyes narrowed. “If you can find one who not only has those skills but also cares more about our cause than I do, I’ll happily forego my mission in light of a more suitable candidate.”

The thought garnered no response, and for a moment, all three males were silent. Then, Lucius alone met her eyes.

“Please, sire, don’t do this.” Lucius implored. “I beg of you.”

“I too, agree,” Kane echoed. “Exposing yourself like this is an unconscionable risk.”

Drake nodded sharply and spoke before she could interject. “Blair, you must see reason.”

Chuffing a breezy laugh, Blair shook her head and waved dismissively to the men across the table. “We keep going in circles. As I’ve said, even if you don’t seem to be listening: it’s not your decision, boys.”

Gritting his teeth, Lucius’ attention swung to Nina, seeking her support. “Nina, help me convince Blair to abandon this madness.”

“TheCitizensthreaten our very way of life, Lucius,“ Nina replied. “Blair knows the risks, and she is not a child I can control.”

Kane huffed a sigh. “Blair, I sincerely hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Pacifist.” Lucius snarled, irritated that the other man was backing out of the debate.

“Blair, given the catalog of weaponry at their disposal, Torrin or any number of his followers could wound you before you’re able to flee,” Drake warned. “If you’re injured—“

Blair had had enough.

In the whisper of a second, Blair had both irate vampires pinned against the wall, hands cupped around their throats as she held them aloft. Surprise blanketed their expressions, neither male making any move to negate her punishing hold.

“Children, let us remember who came first.” Blair’s voice was so gravelly in her throat that it sounded barely human, whipping both men to attention as their eyes shifted to an icy blue in eerie unison.
