Page 74 of Flight of Fancy

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Inever thought this would be how I looked tonight. Arianna had washed her hair the night before flying out so she could get away without doing it again for as long as possible – an excuse to never have her hair down for more than five minutes when in Elle’s presence. Yet here she was, dressed in her pajamas, makeup removed, and hair as free as when she was a child and didn’t have a matronly employee telling her how to style herself.

Elle told her she was beautiful. Dare Arianna believe it?

“No, no.” Elle turned the bedroom lights back on after Arianna playfully turned them off. “Do you think we’re making love without me seeing every inch of your body?”

Arianna backed up toward the bed. Elle was still dressed in her clothes from that day, a well-fitting pair of jeans and a plain V-neck T-shirt that had been complemented by the colorful textiles of a sweater already in the closet. She still looks so much nicer than me. Arianna curled up on the bed, pillow in her lap as she buried her face in Egyptian cotton sheets.

“How’s this?” Elle compromised by turning on the lamp by the bed and flicking off the overhead light. That was the surest way to get Arianna out of her hiding spot, and she shared that information as freely as she allowed her top two pajama top buttons to be undone. Such a mess. That’s me. Yet the unexpected thrill this gave her made Arianna wish she were naked.

“Am I the first woman you’ve slept with in this bed after your ex?” Arianna tossed the pillow aside as Elle sat on the edge of the mattress. “Sorry if that’s a weird question.”

Elle was not disturbed. “Define slept with.”


“Because if you’re asking if you’re the first woman I’ve had sex with in this bed after my ex left… no. There has been one other, but you’re not the first.”

“I see.”

“But she didn’t stay the night. You’re the first who has actually slept with me in this bed.”

“And we didn’t even do it last night.” Arianna had been too tired, and Elle was eager to sleep if it meant they got up earlier for brunch.

“You’re right. Is that what we’re attempting to rectify right now?”

Arianna giggled. “What are you doing?”

Elle bent over, stretching her shoulders and back before opening the bottom drawer of her nightstand. “I’ve had some time to prepare for this moment, you know.”

“The moment I show you with my hair down?”

“Not quite. The moment we have sex in my bed.”

“Ooh. You’ve prepared?”

Elle produced a few small items from her nightstand. “Pick your poison, Aria. I’ve got lots of stuff from here and there. Uh, all unopened, I promise.”

“Ha! Do you think I believe you’d try something old on me?” Arianna picked up a small bottle of what she initially assumed to be lubrication. The text told a slightly different story. “For creating more intense sensations where it matters most.” Shit, was this the kind of stuff that made the body high? Wait, was hemp and such legal in Washington? Had Arianna walked into something that could get her into big trouble back home?

Not quite. She took a closer look at the ingredients, and while it was a bunch of English gibberish she barely understood, she didn’t see anything that would get her in trouble back home.

“No,” she said without hesitation. “What else you got?”

A massager that could either be heated up in the microwave or on the stove. A glass plug that went God knew where. Actual lube, this time with a lavender and vanilla flavor. Arianna was more amused than inspired as she picked up every item and hid more of her amusement.

“What’s so funny tonight?” Elle asked.

“I’m sorry. This is the real me. I’m like a teenager who doesn’t know anything.”

“Well, I don’t know about doesn’t know anything, but I don’t mind someone who is being young at heart.” Elle handed her one last thing. “What about that one? It’s the thing I’m most excited about. Especially after the success of… well, my present to you a while ago.”

Arianna held what she thought was a microphone at first. Karaoke? I mean, okay. Whatever turned Elle on in her home.

Except it wasn’t a microphone, was it? It was a vibrator, which was quite clear when Arianna flipped the on button and the whole thing buzzed in her hand.

“Whoa!” She nearly dropped it in her lap, which would have had quite an effect, indeed. “This is kinda powerful, huh?” Yet she was intrigued, if only because she did remember Elle’s gift that was back in Singapore.

“More powerful than that dinky thing I bought in LA.”

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