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"Sorry, can't do that," Finn replied, not loosening his grip on Charles. "We need to question him. He just tried to assault us."

"Assault?!" Edward's eyes widened in disbelief, and then his expression hardened. "I'll call the Prime Minister and have you taken off this case! This is outrageous!"

Finn fought the urge to roll his eyes again. Instead, he focused on keeping his hold on Charles and maintaining a level-headed demeanor. "That won't be necessary. We're just doing our job, and if your brother didn't try to attack us, we wouldn't be having this problem."

"Unbelievable," Edward muttered under his breath, his gaze darting between Finn and Amelia. "Fine, but I'm staying right here while you question him."

"He's coming to Helford Police Station," Finn said in no uncertain terms.

As they continued down the corridor, Finn couldn't help but think about the tangled web of relationships in this family. He wondered if more than Charles was involved in everything.

"Edward, just wait until Uncle hears about this," Charles threatened, his voice shaking with barely contained fury.

"Shut up, Charles," Edward snapped, his own frustration bubbling to the surface.

Finn exchanged a glance with Amelia, sensing that the situation was far from over. The tension in the air was palpable, like a thick fog threatening to suffocate them all. Their investigation had become more than just a simple murder case – it was now a battle of wills and a race against time, perhaps even against the powers that the Keatings family could wield against them. And as Finn tightened his grip on Charles' arm once more, he knew that every move they made from here on out would be crucial. One procedural mistake, and the higher ups would have an excuse to can the entire operation.

Amelia crossed her arms, her green eyes narrowing as she assessed the situation. "It seems to me," she began, her voice steady and confident, "that the Prime Minister is more concerned with his cousin Dolores Mayfield's death than catering to the whims of the Keatings family."

Edward's mouth tightened into a thin line, but it was clear that Amelia's words had struck a nerve. Finn seized the opportunity to press further. "Why didn't you and Joseline tell us about Charles staying at the castle?" he asked, his blue eyes locked onto Edward's.

"Because…" Edward hesitated for a moment before exhaling sharply. "Because Charles is an embarrassment to our family. And his philandering ways would only have made you suspect him. When really, he is simply a fool who cannot keep it in his pants."

A muscle in Charles' jaw twitched, and his face flushed a deep shade of red. "An embarrassment?" he seethed, his anger boiling over once more. "I can't believe you'd say that!"

"Believe it," Finn said firmly, tightening his grip on Charles' arm. He led him down the grand staircase and out through the heavy double doors of the castle, Amelia following closely behind. The night air was damp and chilly, a stark contrast to the stifling tension inside the castle walls.

Charles continued to mutter obscenities under his breath as they approached the car parked on the gravel driveway. The headlights cast eerie shadows on the surrounding trees, making the estate feel even more foreboding than usual.

"I'll call our solicitor!" Edwards shouted, but refraining from following.

"Get in," Finn ordered, opening the rear passenger door and pushing Charles inside. The disgruntled man huffed but complied, sinking into the leather seat with a scowl.

As Finn closed the door, he couldn't help but wonder how far they would get with Charles Keatings if he lawyered up immediately. And going by his threats, that was exactly what he intended to do.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked, her voice softening as she placed a hand on Finn's arm. Her touch was warm, a small comfort in the otherwise desolate night.

Finn nodded and forced a smile, trying his best to reassure her. "Yeah, I'm fine," he lied, his mind still reeling from the events of the day. But one thing was clear: they were far from done with the Keatings family and the secrets they kept hidden within their castle walls.

Finn slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, his eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger. Amelia settled in beside him, her gaze fixed on Charles in the backseat.

"Alright, Charles," Finn said as they pulled away from the castle, "If you're innocent, then tell us where you were last night."

"Playing poker with some friends," Charles replied bitterly, crossing his arms. "Not that it's any of your business."

"Names and addresses?" Amelia asked, her tone cool and professional. "We'll need to verify your alibi."

"Fine. I'll give them to you," Charles grumbled, digging out his phone to find the information.

As they drove deeper into the estate, the darkness seemed to close in around them, the shadows swallowing up the narrow road ahead. Finn's knuckles tightened around the steering wheel as he navigated the winding path, his senses on high alert. For a moment, he thought he saw a shadow moving between the trees.

"Got a feeling we're not alone out here," he muttered to Amelia, who nodded in agreement.

"I saw it too. If Charles is telling the truth, then maybe the killer is actually on the grounds and he doesn't want us getting too close to the truth," she suggested, her eyes flicking between the rear view mirror and the treacherous road.

"Could be," Finn conceded, his mind racing through possible scenarios. "But if someone is watching us, that means we're on the right track."

"Let's just hope we can stay one step ahead of them," Amelia said, a note of worry creeping into her voice.
