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Finn wondered what Charles Keatings was involved in and how it might connect to the case. His mind raced with theories, each darker than the last. He knew they needed to gather more evidence, but the urge to burst into the room and confront Charles was growing stronger by the second.

"Give it a few more minutes," Amelia whispered, seemingly sensing Finn's restlessness. "We might learn something useful."

Finn nodded, knowing she was right. Patience wasn't his strongest suit, but he trusted her judgment. As they continued to eavesdrop on the conversation within the Purple Room, Finn's thoughts drifted back to the case, the victims, and the horrors that had brought them to this dark and ominous castle.

"Get your hands off me!" one of the woman said in disgust.

Finn couldn't take it any longer; he knew they had to act. He caught Amelia's eye and saw the same resolve in her expression. They exchanged a silent nod, then burst through the door into the Purple Room.

"Charles Keatings!" Finn barked, his voice echoing throughout the room. "We need to talk."

Charles looked up from where he was standing by the fireplace, his face a mixture of surprise and fury. The two women glanced at each other nervously before hurriedly gathering their things and slipping out of the room.

"Who the hell are you?" Charles demanded, his eyes narrowing as he took in Finn and Amelia's presence.

"I'm Finn Wright," Finn replied coolly, "and this is my partner, Inspector Amelia Winters. We're investigating the recent murders outside your castle, and we have some questions for you."

"About what?" Charles scoffed, trying to maintain an air of indifference even as he clenched his fists in anger.

"Your use of what I assume are prostitutes, for starters," Finn said, his gaze unwavering. "We overheard your conversation with those women just now. You must have suggested something really bad if they were turning down your money."

"Look, I don't know what you think you're doing here, but—"

"Charles," Amelia cut in, her voice calm yet firm, "we found three victims on the riverbank near your property. One is still unidentified, but she might have been a prostitute. Did you have anything to do with her death?"

"I'll call my solicitor! And have my Uncle get you both fired!" Charles seethed.

"The only person that's in danger of having a life changing moment, is you, Charles. One behind bars," Amelia said in return.

Her words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, no one moved or spoke. Then, without warning, Charles erupted into a rage, his face contorted with fury as he lunged toward Amelia.

"Get away from me, you filthy liars!" he snarled, his hands reaching for her throat. "Wait until my Uncle Drake hears about this!"

Finn reacted instantly, stepping between Charles and Amelia. He easily deflected Charles' attack, using his height and strength to his advantage. As the two men grappled, Finn's mind raced with strategies, searching for the right one to subdue Charles without causing serious injury.

"Charles!" Amelia shouted, her voice ringing with authority. "Stop this now, or we'll have no choice but to arrest you!"

He didn't listen, continuing to thrash and snarl like a cornered animal. Finn saw an opening and seized it, twisting Charles' arm behind his back and forcing him to the ground. Amelia quickly moved in, securing handcuffs around Charles' wrists as he continued to spew curses and threats.

"Charles Keatings," she said sternly, "you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer."

As they dragged him out of the room and into the dimly-lit corridor, Charles seethed about his connections and what he would do to both of their careers.

Finn couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get more complicated. And more deadly.


Finn's grip tightened on Charles Keatings' arm as they escorted him through the dimly lit castle corridors. The musty scent of ancient stone filled his nostrils, and he couldn't help but marvel at the history that surrounded them. But his mind quickly snapped back to the task at hand when Charles' voice boomed against the walls.

"Edward!" Charles shouted, his face flushed with anger. "Edward, where the hell are you?"

"Keep it down, would you?" Finn said, glancing over at Amelia, who rolled her eyes in agreement. He didn't want to alert the entire castle to their presence, although it seemed Charles had other plans. "You'll wake up the dead, and the dead might want to have a word with you."

"Let go of me, you bloody Yank!" Charles spat, his British accent thickening with his rage. It reminded Finn of how out of place he sometimes felt there, thousands of miles from the US and the familiarity of home.

"Edward!" Charles bellowed once more, and this time, heavy footsteps echoed towards them. Edward Keatings appeared around a corner, his face pale and concerned.

"What's going on here?" Edward demanded, glaring first at Finn and then at Amelia. "Let my brother go!"
