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Now I was caught between a rock and an even harder place, if you catch my drift.

His head dipped low. Not low enough to kiss me, but low enough to be everything I saw when I gazed up at him. “Or should I invade your space more, Charlie?” He ground his midsection upon me, a hardness poking me through his jeans. “Should I make you mine again, here, in your room? On your bed, so that when you go to sleep every night you remember?”

God. Certain parts of me were burning up in a way they’d never before. All I could do was nod and lamely say, “That sounds like a good plan.” Oh, jeez. I couldn’t make fun of him for his age when I was the epitome of nineteen-year-old dorkiness.

His smirk grew. “As you wish, sweetheart.” I felt that final word in my core, and my thighs squeezed together in response.

Brett pulled me away from the wall, dropping his hands off my face and taking one of my hands in his as he pulled me toward the bed. My heart beat fast, so fast I felt lightheaded, but before we crawled onto the bed, I managed to say, “The lights and the blinds.”

I might want to be with him, but there was still a part of me I wasn’t ready for him to see. The scars on my inner thighs. He might feel them, but seeing them, being aware of their existence—possibly judging me for them—well, I didn’t want to deal with any of that right now.

He didn’t ask questions or make sarcastic remarks. He simply went to the light and flicked it off, and then he strode over to the window and closed the blinds. The room was suddenly shrouded in darkness even though it was deep into the afternoon, and Brett returned to me swiftly, pushing me back toward my bed. His large frame reached around me, and he tugged down my covers.

I wouldn’t say I was nervous. We’d been together in the treehouse, for goodness sake. But being together in my own bed… it was a different kind of intimacy, and after the events of today, the intensity of it all had multiplied.

Brett’s hands helped me out of my shirt, lifting it up and over my head. After dropping it to the floor, he went to unhook my bra. We stood beside my bed, and I let him undress me. He moved slowly, like he wanted to savor each and every moment, and the way his hands touched me, so gently, was in contrast to how vicious he could be.

I’d seen the news. I knew the state he left those bodies in. I knew exactly what this man was capable of, and yet I couldn’t wait for him to jump my bones. It was so wrong, but at the same time, inevitable.

It was as he helped me out of my pants that I swallowed hard. My heart raced for a different reason. I stood there, before him, in nothing but panties, and I’d never felt more exposed.

He must’ve sensed that, because instead of slipping off my panties, he went to take off his shirt next. As he lifted it up and over his head, I let my gaze fall to his chest. I’d felt his muscles anytime he was close—they were so thick you could feel them through his shirt even when he was clothed—but this was way different. This time, I could see them, even though the lights were off and the blinds were down over the window.

Let’s just say they were impressive. He had the body of someone who either worked out or whose job was physical. He might’ve told me once what he did when he wasn’t killing people or going on illegal hunting trips with his cousin, but I couldn’t really remember.

In fact, everything was a little hazy in my head. So hazy that I had to lift a hand and run it down his chest, starting at his pecs. Brett shuddered when I touched him, and as my hand traveled down his exposed chest, I could feel the muscles underneath tensing. My fingers roamed over his smooth skin, down to his impressive six pack… but they stopped when they reached his old wound.

I remembered how much blood he’d lost, how pale he’d been. I’d thought he was dead for sure, that there was no way he’d come back from it. Surely, those pills Claire had gotten for him had helped out, but he was a strong person to be able to pull through from a wound like that.

Now? It was healing up. The outer wound, at least, had completely closed, though the skin above it looked red and angry still. It would obviously scar. Inside would be slower to heal; he never showed it, but sometimes I did swear when he bent certain ways, he was a little stiff.

I was attracted to him. Duh. I think anyone with eyes would be—and that was why he’d survived so long out there, killing. No one wanted to believe the handsome face you crushed on was a serial killer.

Tearing my eyes away from his muscle, I lifted my gaze to his and dropped my hand away from his scarring flesh, as if wordlessly telling him to go on, to take more off.

Shadows crossed Brett’s face, but he said not a word. His hands went for his pants, and within a few moments, those and whatever was underneath came off, too, exposing his very hard and very impressive cock.

Oh, I remembered Saturday night all too well. I remembered exactly what that thing felt like inside of me. A little pain at first, while my body got used to the feeling of it inside, and then… then sweet, sweet bliss as I closed my eyes and gave in.

My lower half churned in memory, and I did my best not to stare at it. In the dark, with just the barest hints of daylight peeking around the blinds, it almost looked like a third arm.

Brett’s hands were on me in the next moment, and he guided me back to the bed, helping me on it. He crawled on top of me once I was situated, and when his body pinned mine down, I was once again reminded just how big he was. His eyes closed, his head looming near mine, and before either of us could do anything else, his mouth found mine.

Some kisses were soft and tentative. Some were unsure. Some were slow and steady and soft. This… wasn’t like that. Brett’s lips were hard on mine, firm in the way they pressed against me, commanding in a way I’d never felt before. Different than the previous kisses we’d shared—and that told me he’d meant every single word he’d said.

This wasn’t the kind of kiss you could turn away from. No, this particular kiss took hold of your very soul in a chokehold, suffocated you while also soothing you. A kiss like this made you forget all about your past, the present, and even what the future held. It took you by the neck and used jujitsu on you to get you to submit. It was all-consuming, full of fire, the kind of kiss you could feel in every single part of you.

Kissing Brett wasn’t like kissing Zak. There was no comparison. I thought I’d loved Zak, I did. I’d thought he was the one ray of happiness in my life, the one thing that I clung to while trying to act normal. I’d thought he was everything, but in the face of Brett Banks, he was absolutely nothing.

Brett kissed me so hard and for so long I thought my lips might bruise, but you know what? He’d get no complaints from me. None at all. One of his hands weaved its way through my hair, pulling slightly and causing me to moan into his mouth while his other roamed down along my body, cupping a tit and pawing at it.

For someone who went on and on about how I wasn’t his physical type, he was pretty handsy—but again, I wouldn’t complain.

My head spun when his mouth left mine, and I panted as I struggled to get my breathing under control. Brett’s mouth moved along my jaw, dipping down into the crook of my neck, a trail of heat following him. I shivered when he nipped at a sensitive spot on my neck, my whole body starting to squirm against him. It was like I went crazy when he touched me.

“Oh, Charlie,” Brett breathed out my name in a way he’d never spoken it before, his voice so low I could only describe it as sexy. “You drive me insane, do you know that?” The question was interrupted by kisses along my collarbone.

He didn’t really want an answer to that, did he? Because at this point, I didn’t think I could say a word. I was too focused on the way his lips felt as they roamed along my skin, showering me with attention, practically cooing over me.

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