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My balls tightened. My cock twitched inside her. It took everything in me to push away the orgasm—and fuck, it was hard. So fucking hard to do while I was balls-deep in her pussy, but I managed. I managed to do it for quite a while.

But, eventually, it was too much to fight. The orgasm in me was knocking on the door, and whether I answered the door or continued to try to ignore it wouldn’t matter; it’d bust down the door if it had to—and that’s exactly what it did.

My body lurched, my cock piercing Charlie deep, and she cried out the same moment I groaned, short pumps of my cock deep inside her as I filled her up with cum. And fuck, was there alot. I was so lost in the delayed orgasm that, at first, I neglected to realize Charlie had come at the same time.

We’d orgasmed together. How sweet. Romance novel type shit.

We both breathed hard as I pulled out of her, but I didn’t roll onto my side to hold her, not right away. I sat on my knees before her, watching, waiting. Her panties stayed pushed aside, revealing her slick pussy lips and her entrance.

Seconds ticked by, and then I saw my milky white cum ooze out of her. I loved seeing my seed seep out of her core. I fixed her panties, covering the cum with the fabric and smoothing it out so it got stained with the stuff. I couldn’t say why, but it filled me with a smug sense of satisfaction, knowing she wore my cum with her panties.

Once that was done, I lay down beside her and draped an arm over her stomach. She breathed hard still, but she’d rolled her head in my direction, watching me. So undone, she really was intoxicating. I could see now why fighting the connection had been pointless.

I wanted to tell her that she was all I could think about, that I was pretty sure I loved her, but something in me wouldn’t let those words come out of my mouth, because what I ended up saying had nothing to do with love.

“We need to figure something out,” I whispered. “I’m about out of food, and since I can’t come into your house while your uncle is there…”

“We can pick you up food tomorrow after my classes,” she said. “You can bring your toothbrush and stuff. I’ll bring an extra bag for you. There’s a rec on campus—you can shower there. Wear something athletic with your sunglasses, and they shouldn’t ask to see a student ID.”

“Really? They just let anybody walk in?”

“Well, I don’t know for sure. The rec isn’t my kind of place. I’ve never gone, but if it’s anything like anywhere else on campus, the workers are other students who don’t really care.”

That made sense to me. Colleges were pretty much all for profit anyways, so why wouldn’t they hire students, who’ll take basically whatever paycheck was offered, because of the convenience of working on campus?

“All right, sounds like a plan,” I said. I wanted to ask how long she thought her uncle would be here, but she probably didn’t know. We’d have to play it by ear for now, take it one day at a time.

Whatever we had to do to make it work, that’s what we’d do. Charlie and I… nothing was going to separate us. I wouldn’t let it. I’d keep my nose down, resist any murderous impulses that surfaced, and do whatever I had to in order to stay by her side.

And when it came time to take care of her stalker, to get rid of him for good, well, then my dark side would come out to play.

Chapter Fourteen – Charlie

We left a little early the next morning. I didn’t eat breakfast. I literally woke up, texted Brett to meet me a ways down the road, and got dressed. I didn’t see Uncle Dave on my way out of the house, but judging from his truck in the driveway, he was here somewhere. I brought my bag and an extra backpack for Brett, for him to take back and forth and stuff his clothes in.

Whatever. I wasn’t going to think about it. Right now, my main focus was getting Brett a new routine since he couldn’t come inside the house anymore. We’d have to figure out what to do with his laundry. Maybe I could do some laundry at night?

Or maybe I should just tell Brett to save his laundry, and once he had enough, we could take it to one of the laundromats near the college.

Ugh. Uncle Dave moving in just fucked everything up. We had a routine. We had things down pat, and I was getting used to the fact that Brett was always nearby. I hadn’t heard a word from my stalker lately, but you know, that was fine. I was at my wits end dealing with Dave and all the repressed trauma that came with him.

God, I hated my life sometimes. It was kind of sad that someone like Brett was the ray of sunshine in my life, wasn’t it?

Don’t answer that.

I got in my car and picked Brett up, and then we were on the road. We stopped at a grocery store first, and we bought some things. He had a twenty to contribute; I didn’t ask him where he got the money from.

The backseat of my car was jam-packed full of plastic bags and processed foods, which Brett complained about. He wasn’t a huge fan of snacks and all that, but that was all he could take with him into the treehouse.

Honestly? Long-term? I didn’t know what we’d do if Uncle Dave stuck around. I had a few grand saved up in the bank from my summer job, but it wasn’t enough to last. And as soon as summer hit and the year was over, I wouldn’t be going to campus during the week, which meant Brett would lose his place to shower, unless we made special trips there every day.

Which we could, but then I didn’t think my parents would pay for my gas, which they did now.

Ugh. Just when I thought the future was bright and we were in the clear, it had to go and get all hazy and murky again. I didn’t know what we were going to do, but for now, I guess we’d take it one day at a time.

I dropped Brett off at the rec before parking my car. He knew my schedule, so he could find me whenever he was done. As much as I wanted him to shadow me during the day, with how quiet my stalker had been, there might not be any point.

When would my stalker make a move? Did I even want him to right now? Living with Uncle Dave was more stressful than having a freaking stalker, go figure. I should be grateful my stalker had gone MIA since his last call.

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