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It was almost noon when she became aware of raised voices coming from the lobby. Frowning, she headed in that direction. The last thing they needed was more trouble.

“I demand to see Ms. Colton.” As David tried to reason with him, a man was shouting and waving a booklet in the security guard’s face.

Before Bree could step forward from the gallery and into the lobby, Rylan came out of the promotions office with Papadum at his side. Taking in the scene at a glance, he gestured for her to stay where she was. Although she had a clear view of what was happening, she remained out of sight.

“Why do you want to see Ms. Colton?” Rylan asked.

“I need to talk to her about this.” The man threw the booklet down onto the reception desk. From where she was standing, Bree could see that it was the program Kasey had recently sent out containing details of the Spirit show. It had been mailed to all the gallery’s newsletter subscribers.

As the irate visitor strained to get past David, Rylan stepped closer. His muscular build and air of authority worked in a way that David’s uniform hadn’t. The man sucked in an audible breath and took a half step back.

“Right now, your body language and tone of voice aren’t going to get you anywhere near Ms. Colton.” Although Rylan spoke quietly, it was clear he meant business. “Now, how about you wind your temper back, then tell me what this is all about?”

For a few seconds, the outcome hung in the balance as the guy looked like he couldn’t decide whether to swing a punch or walk out. After clenching and unclenching his fists at his side a few times, he pointed to the program he’d thrown down.

“That...filth was in my mailbox. I have two young daughters who regularly collect my letters. They could have found this.”

Filth? Bree was stunned. Wise Gal was family friendly. The gallery held art classes for kids, and every exhibit was carefully checked to ensure it met her high standards. There had been nothing offensive in that program.

“Can you show me what you’re talking about?” Rylan asked.

His cool manner appeared to be having an effect on the visitor. Calmer now, he reached for the program. From her vantage point, Bree saw him flick through booklet until he reached the middle pages. Holding it open, he drew out a loose piece of paper and handed it to Rylan. Bree could see it had color pictures printed on both sides, but she couldn’t make out the detail.

Rylan studied both sides of the paper in silence. “And this was definitely inside the program you received from the gallery?”

“Didn’t I just say that?”

“I just needed to get the facts straight,” Rylan said. To anyone else, he was still in complete control. However, Bree, who was in tune with his reactions, could tell he was thinking fast. “One thing I’m certain about is that this—” he tapped a finger on the separate sheet of paper “—was not sent out by the Wise Gal Gallery.”

The visitor was unconvinced. “It was inside the program. They were in the same envelope. The gallery stamp was on the back.”

“I’m aware that you’re upset and, having seen these images, I can understand why. I know Ms. Colton will share my concern.” Rylan tucked the paper back into the program. “If you will leave this with me—”

“Not a chance.” There was a pronounced sneer on the guy’s face. “I see what you’re trying to do. You take this away and I don’t hear from you again.”

“Not at all.” Rylan leaned over the reception desk to get a pen and a piece of paper. “Write down your name and number and I’ll be in touch as soon as I’ve spoken to Ms. Colton. I know she’ll want to do something to apologize for the distress this has caused you and your family. Maybe a visit to The Chateau? A ski day for your kids?”

After a few minutes, Rylan was shaking the guy’s hand and escorting him out of the building. As he left the lobby and came toward Bree, he was frowning.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Not here.”

He kept on walking, and she matched his long strides, with Papadum trotting beside them. When they reached her office, he held open the door so that she could step inside before him.

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