Page 68 of Ashes

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“We have a flight to Ocala, and I’ll run through it all with you,” Thatcher assured me.

I stood up.“Okay.Then, let’s get this done.”

“Do we know who the guy”—Wilder paused and glanced at me—“that Maxon is demanding we return is?”

Thatcher’s expression didn’t change.It remained cold and unaffected.“Tanner Angelos.His sister’s fiancé.”

I felt the blood drain from my face.Tanner?Funny goofball Tanner?He wasn’t dangerous.And they weren’t engaged.Was that yet another lie?

Maxon had a different air to him.Something that made me believe it was possible that he could be a bad guy.He was smart.Too smart, too educated, too refined for an underwear model.He tried to hide those things, but they showed up.I hadn’t thought much about it… until now.

“Tanner Angelos was behind a drug that is similar to crack, but is laced with shit that causes the user to become cannibalistic and at times attempt to eat someone alive.That is, if it doesn’t kill them first.We don’t want it in this region, and it’s showing up in high schools.Kids are getting ahold of this.The Carda family had been working with him on infiltrating this into the states for the past five years,” Thatcher said.“They’re killers.All of them.But we need to know more before we kill the Carda heir.”

Kill.They were going to kill Hamilton.No … Maxon.And cannibalism?I shivered.That sounded horrible.

I took a deep breath.“Let’s go.”

I turned to Wilder then, who was watching me, as if he was considering throwing me over his shoulder and bolting.“I’ll be fine,” I assured him.

He didn’t say anything.Instead, he stalked out of the cave.

“He’ll calm down,” King said, then nodded for me to follow.

Sebastian moved over to walk beside me.“You’re still breaking hearts and taking names, it seems.”His tone was teasing.

I glanced at him and gave him a pointed look.“That’s not true, and you know it.”

His eyes went to the door ahead.“Looks like things have changed with him.”

I felt hope trying to burst free in my chest.Last night had been eye-opening for both of us, and then the sex had been … life-altering.We hadn’t gotten a chance to talk about it though.

“I think so,” I replied.

“He’s an idiot.He always has been when it comes to you.”

I smiled, but it didn’t meet my eyes.He had his reasons, and they weren’t mine to share.But I didn’t blame him.Not now that I knew the truth.



Thatcher went over everything with me, just like he’d promised, during our flight on a private jet that was owned by Garrett Hughes—Blaise’s father and the former boss of the family.Wilder, on the other hand, remained silent and rigid the entire flight.He stared out the window, and the only movement he made was the clenching of his jaw.I wanted to go reassure him that this was okay and I wasn’t in danger, but I didn’t think it would help.

Sebastian and King hadn’t come with us.They were staying back home.I’d heard them talking and I now knew that Wells was at the Shephard house with Storm.I had prepared myself to face Wells or attempted to mentally go over how to greet him.It had been years but there was so much bad water under that bridge.Thankfully I never had to face him.He’d made sure of that.

My main focus was on what I had to do.Wells was the past and the day would come that I had to face him and get over that awkwardness but I had bigger issues right now.We all did.The threat had been laid down, and just because Maxon had been caught, Thatcher said it only meant they had something to hold the Carda back.Not stop them completely.

During our ride to the Hughes Farm, where I was told we would be going, Wilder sat beside me but continued to remain silent.Thatcher wasn’t much of a talker after he was done giving me the details.I glanced up at Wilder a few times, but he remained tense and detached.Once we drove through the arched entrance of Hughes Farm, my mouth fell open in awe.I’d thought the Shephards were rich, but this … this was insane.

The stables were three times the size of my dad’s house and as elaborate as the mansion up ahead.The SUV came to a stop, and the driver—who Thatcher had spoken to some on the ride over—opened his door and got out.He had blond hair, tattoos, and looked younger than me.He didn’t fit what I’d expected in this Mafia family thing.

Thatcher turned back to me.“I’ll go down with you,” he said.

“Am I allowed in the fucking underground?”Wilder asked in a tight voice.“Or am I supposed to hide from Presley?”

Thatcher shrugged, as if he didn’t care.“Gage is in Madison still.He was left there on purpose.Until you’re out of sight.As for going underground, it depends on if you can stay out of the room.Carda doesn’t need to know you’re there.”

“I can,” he clipped out.
