Page 67 of Ashes

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Wilder stepped in front of me then, and all I could see was his back.“Let me talk to her about all this, and then we will meet y’all at the house.”

“We need to get moving,” Thatcher demanded.“Just tell her now.”

“He’s gone territorial.They fucked, and he’s messed up over it.Give him a little room,” King added.

Wilder moved, and I reached out to grab his arm with both my hands.

“Wilder,” I said as he tried to pull free from me without jerking me too hard.

He stared back at me, and the fury in his eyes startled me.His head swung back around toward the others.

“Easy, tiger,” King said, holding up his hands.“I was on your side.”

“Does anyone care about the issue here, or do I need to let Blaise Hughes walk in here and make sure everyone is on the same fucking page?”Thatcher drawled.

I stepped beside Wilder.“All right, boys, what is happening?”Then, I looked up at Wilder.“I don’t need protecting.”

His eyes narrowed, and I turned to look at the others again.

“See, Oak wants to know,” King said.

“Maxon Carda has been captured and is being held in our underground in Ocala,” Thatcher said, then looked at me pointedly.“You know him as Hamilton.That’s not his name.And your friend Daphne?Her real name is Lyra Carda.She’s Maxon’s younger sister by thirteen months and five days.Tanner, her boyfriend, is in fact Tanner Angelos.”

“Carda?”I asked, making sure I had heard him correctly.

He nodded.“Yes.Carda.As in Carda Global Marketing.Your former employer.”

“I think I need to sit down,” I whispered and walked over to the sofa.This made no sense to me.Why the alias names?Why get close to me?

“We need to know when and how you got that job, but first, we have to prepare you for what has to be done,” Thatcher said.“Maxon isn’t talking.We weren’t aware that the people we were dealing with, importing the lethally laced drug, were from a powerhouse like Carda.We assumed it was low-level criminals, the Miltos to be exact.A gang out of Atlanta.There is more to this that we need answers to.That’s where you come in.You are all we have that holds any power over Maxon.”

I shook my head.“We haven’t been dating that long, and he put a bomb in my car.”How did that give me any power?He had been using me.I just had no idea why?And Daphne… I thought we were friends.

Thatcher shrugged.“That might be, but you worked for his father for over three years.He has known you longer than you realize.And he’s”—he waved a hand at me—“affected by the package.Like these two were.Are.”Thatcher waved his finger at Sebastian, then Wilder.“We need you to talk to him.Get answers.See what he will tell you.”

“No,” Wilder snarled, causing me to jump.“She’s not getting near him.”

Thatcher raised an eyebrow.“Want to tell Blaise that?Because he’s waiting on us to bring her to him.”

“FUCK!”Wilder roared.

“Maxon is chained up,” King said to him.“What are you worried about?He can’t hurt her.”

Wilder ran his fingers through his hair and then fisted his hands.“She shouldn’t have to be mixed up in this!”

“But she is.And we need goddamn answers.Carda is a big deal, and if we take them on, then Blaise is going to need to call in all the family’s backup,” Thatcher told him.Then, he looked at me.“Are you willing to do this?”

I nodded.I had to.They were right.I was already a part of this.I just didn’t know why.

“Why me?Why did they befriend me?I don’t understand,” I said still trying to grasp this all.

Thatcher shrugged.“Not sure.Perhaps they found the connection to the family by way of Wilder, when you applied for the job.A background check would have been run on you.They would have seen your relation to him.It’s interesting that after you quit working for them Daphne kept the connection, introduced you to Maxon.They were keeping you close.”

“I’m going in with her.”Wilder’s words sounded like a demand.

“He knows she’s connected to you.He probably knows about your past with her.They are thorough in their research.If he thinks you’re protecting her or laying a claim on her—like your territorial ass did the moment Sebastian spoke to her—then it’s going to work against us.You can’t go in with her.But Blaise said he’d have his best men there.Nothing is happening to her.”

“What do I need to do?”I asked before Wilder could say anything more.
