Page 27 of Sunshine Love

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The rest of the dinner is a little better. Alex explains what they did today—reorganizing her room, playing outdoors, visiting Marci at the Heartstopper, playing music together, deciding on which dishes we’re going to take to Ganny’s potluck dinner tomorrow night, and planning for the upcoming end of summer talent show.

“I’ve been telling Alex she should go for it,” June says.

“I don’t know yet,” Alex says. “But I’ll think about it.”

I nod. “Sounds like fun.” But the thought of Alex putting herself out there for judgment makes me a little queasy. I push my plate aside. “That was great. Thank you, June.”

“That’s what you pay me for,” she says merrily.

I don’t know what the fuck that’s supposed to mean, but she rises from the table and turns her back on me before I can reply. Alex heads into the living room, happy as can be, to turn on the TV.

“She have a lot of screen time today?” I ask, rising from the table and grabbing my plate and Alex’s.

“Nope. I stuck to your schedule,” June replies, back still to me.

She’s tall, but shorter than me, wisps of golden-blonde hair falling out of her high ponytail, against the base of her neck. She’s wearing cutoff jeans that sit tight against her hips.

Fuck. I am in so much trouble.

“Thanks,” I say.

“That’s what you’re paying me for.”

“Stop saying that.”

June turns to me, confusion flickering over that pretty face. Up close, I can appreciate her in too much detail. Freckles across her button nose, full lips, wide, blue eyes, high cheekbones. June is painfully beautiful and always has been.

“Saying what?”

“That I’m paying you. I’m not paying you to cook, and I don’t want you to take that on as a duty.”

“Oh. That’s fine. I really enjoy cooking, so it’s no trouble. Besides, Alex and I had a blast cooking, and I—”

“Fine. Cook if you want to. I’ll raise your pay.”

“What? No, that’s not what I—”

“Excuse me.” The words come out deeper than I intended, more harshly, and her eyelashes flutter.

I leave the dishes on the counter and start up the stairs.

I slam the door to my bedroom shut behind me, breathing hard. I enter my bathroom, open my shower door, and turn on the cold water. I step under the stream fully clothed, bowing my head and letting the water rush over me.



I’m seriously second-guessingmy decision to be Cash’s nanny. It’s not that I don’t enjoy spending time with Alex—that part is great—but being around him is a constant challenge. I’m not sure if I’m raw and tender over what happened with Braydon or what, but the more time I spend around Cash Taylor, the more those old feelings, the ones I buried years ago, resurface.

The best thing I can do is keep my distance. Remain professional because I’m never going to let a man take away my power again and I want out of this town. Besides, Cash doesn’t want me and never has, so this silly crush needs to go back to high school and get a darn education.

“Ready to go?” I call up the stairs.

Alex and I are going shopping today, and I am so ready for some fun girly time at one of Heatstroke’s many boutiques. Heatstroke has great stores thanks to the town’s tourist appeal.

Alex clatters down the stairs, pretty in a pink striped shirt and a puffy black skirt.

“Are you ready for a shopping extravaganza?” I ask.

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