Page 104 of Sunshine Love

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“What?” She laughs.

“You are…fuck.”

“I am fuck?” She pouts her lips. “Well, you, sir, are looking mighty fuck yourself.”

She’s halfway down the stairs, but I rush up to meet her and lift her into my arms. June gasps as I squeeze her to my chest and lower her onto the stairs, pressing her against them and showering her neck with kisses. “Keep talking like that and we won’t leave.”

“Don’t make promises you don’t intend on keeping,” she murmurs back, and I catch her bottom lip between my teeth. “Lipstick,” she yelps.

“Could not care less.” I kiss her hard, and she moans into my mouth. By the time we break for air, her lipstick is smudged, and I don’t doubt it’s all over my lips.

June laughs at the sight of me, and I rise from the stairs, lifting her with me. I walk her down them, and we head into the downstairs bathroom. I watch June reapply her red lipstick, picturing it all over my cock.

“I’m going to punish you for wearing that dress later,” I say.

She grins, showing a confidence that makes me want her and love her even more. I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her out of the house and toward my pickup.

“Wait,” she says, “let’s take Ol’ Rusty.”


June shrugs. “It’s silly, but it reminds me of when we were young.”

“We’re in our thirties,” I say. “We’re still young.”

She touches her fingers to my beard. “I swear there are grays in there.”

I catch her arm and kiss her hand. “Watch it. You’re playing with fire. Keys.”


“Give me the keys.”

There’s a flash of defiance in her eyes, but June hands the keys over to her car. Once we’re inside, she giggles. “You look huge in the driver’s seat.”

I fully plan on christening this car with her at some point. Maybe on the hood, given that I’m too big to fit in the damn thing without hunching over. I start the engine and we drive off. June hums under her breath, and I love the sound of her voice, and how happy she looks.

We park along the boardwalk, and I clear my throat. “Baby,” I say, “you realize that I’m not going to stop touching you once we’re inside.”


“I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you,” I say. “And if you don’t want people knowing about us, then we should head home now. Tell me what you want.”

June reaches out for my hand, and I squeeze hers. “I want to be seen with you,” she says.

That’s a good answer. I get out of the car, circle around to her side, and open the door for her. I take her hand and help her out, then press her against the side of Ol’ Rusty and run kisses along her neck again. Her skin is already red from being grazed by my beard, and I love that. I want to mark her.

We head inside together, and I love the fact that her nipples are plucking at the fabric of her dress. The music in Longhorn’s is loud, and every head turns as we enter. People stare, and I loop my arm around her waist, drawing her closer to my side, my hand moving over her ass.

June is pleasantly pink, and she smiles up at me as we move out onto the sand. She kicks off her shoes, and we sit down on the bench outside.

“I’m overdressed,” she says.

“You’re perfect. But if you want to get rid of the dress, I’m more than happy to help.”

June bites down on her bottom lip, but the server arrives before she can tempt me any more than she already has. We give her our orders, and I take June’s hand as it rests across the table, the gentle wash of waves hitting the shore are the perfect backdrop to our evening.

“I’m so happy to be here with you,” I say. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

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