Page 32 of Saving St. Nicolas

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“I’m pretty sure you are, dear. Why don’t we go into this room and check you out okay?’

I can only nod. I want to cry, we aren’t ready for this baby.

The nurse gets me changed into a gown, then places the bands around my stomach. I hear the baby’s heartbeat and relax a little bit, except for the pain in my stomach.

The nurse says, “Let’s check and see if you have dilated any.”

She lifts the sheet, and with KY on her gloved fingers, she inserts them in me, and says, “Congratulations, you are having a baby today. Let me go get the doctor.”

I nod in shock.

Mike comes in and says, “What’s wrong?”

“She says we are having a baby today. Are we ready to have a baby today?” I ask with tears flowing down my face.

“We are ready, don’t cry love, we are ready,” he tells me as a contraction takes over again. I breathe as much as I can.

The doctor comes in and says, “Hello Riley, I hear it’s time to have a baby. Let me check you so I can see how much longer we may have.”

I nod, as she inserts her fingers, then I feel a gush of water.

“Well, your water just broke, and you are nine centimeters. You are a few minutes away from meeting your baby,” she says, changing gloves as the nurse changes the pad underneath me.

A contraction hits me, and I feel the need to push.

The doctor says, “The head is crowning, so on your next contraction, I need you to push, okay Riley?”

“Okay,” I reply as the contraction hits, and I bear down pushing.

“That’s good. You’re doing good, Riley,” she says as I take a breather.

The next time I bare down to push, the baby’s head comes out. I get to breathe for a few seconds before they ask me to push again. Finally, the baby was out and crying, and Mike is able to cut the umbilical cord.

“Congratulations, you have a boy,” the doctor says, placing the baby on my chest.

“He’s so beautiful,” I whisper.

“You did a great job, Spitfire,” Mike says before he kisses my lips, then looks at our son, before the nurse takes him to weigh him and cleans him up.

“What is his name?” the nurse asks.

“Elijah Jordan Stone,” Mike and I both say at the same time.

“Beautiful name,” the nurse says, handing Elijah back to me.

* * *

Two hours later, Leia delivers her and Noah’s son, Lucas David Ashton.

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