Page 31 of Saving St. Nicolas

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“Where is Noah?” I ask.

“Working a case in the field, the Chief is trying to get a hold of him. Could you take me to the hospital?”

“Of course, I’ll be there in five minutes,” I tell her.

I grab my keys and head out to my car, dialing Mike’s number.

“Hey Spitfire, what’s wrong?”

“Leia called, she thinks her water broke, and Noah is out in the field, his Chief is looking for him. I’m on my way to pick her up and take her to the hospital,” I inform him.

“Okay, I’ll meet you at the hospital. Be careful,” he tells me.

“I will. Love you,” I tell him before hanging up.

I pull into Leia and Noah’s apartment complex. I see her waiting for me on the curb. I get out and walk around to help her get in the car.

“How far apart are your contractions?” I ask her as I help her get seated.

“About seven minutes,” she says.

“Okay, we will be at the hospital shortly.”

I close the door, then go around to the driver's side. I feel tightness in my belly, but I chalk it up to the nerves of Leia going into labor.

Mike is waiting at the entrance to the ER with a wheelchair and helps Leia get into it.

“I’ll go park the car and meet you there,” I tell them both.

When I get out of the car, I feel tightness in my stomach again, and I breathe through it. Once it subsides, I continue walking to the ER, knowing Mike is waiting for me.

I see him and Leia as soon as I walk through the door. The pain hits me again, but I continue on.

“How are you feeling?” Mike asks as he pushes Leia to the elevator that will take us to Labor and Delivery.

“The same as every day, these days.”

“Is the pain getting worse?” he asks, and I shrug, because at that moment Leia is hit with another contraction.

“Breathe,” I tell her, and she does. “That’s good,” I say, timing her contractions. Then it subsides, as we get off the elevator, meeting a nurse who quickly takes Leia to a room to get her hooked up.

The pain hits me again, and I have to grab the wall.

“What’s wrong?” Mike asks.

“The doctor said I’ll probably have a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions before it’s time for labor. I think that’s what these are. I just need to sit down, nothing to worry about,” I tell him.

He leads me over to the waiting chairs, and I sit down.

Noah shows up looking for Leia, and we point him to the room where they took her to.

“You are looking very pale, I’m going to have a nurse look at you, okay?”

I nod because the pain in my stomach is intense.

“Hey, Riley, I’m nurse Jackie,” she introduces herself as she checks my pulse, then places her hand on my tightening stomach. “How long have you been in labor?’ she asks.

“Huh?’ I ask, looking at her like she’s crazy. “I’m not,” I tell her.

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