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“Chelsea already agreed,” John says. “And I was counting on you to look out for her. To keep her safe.”

I don’t realize I’m sitting at a green light until several cars start honking.

“Fine,” I say, pulling forward. “I’ll do it. But only to keep Chelsea safe. This is for her, not for you. I think you’re an overbearing idiot, for the record.”

“Sure, sure,” John says with a laugh. “You’ll both thank me later.”

Somehow, I seriously doubt that.

“And, John?” I say before he can hang up. “This is the last time you put me in this position. I’m not your yes man. And I won’t butt into Chelsea’s life the way you do. She and I need to establish our own friendship.”

That word isn’t the one I’d like to use, but I’m not about to sayrelationship. Not yet.

“Especially now that we’re roommates and you’re not here. You’re still my best friend. Still my family. But some things need to change.”

“You’re right,” John says. A littletooeasily. Color me surprised.

But I’ll take it.

As I pull into work, I’ve had time to mull over the situation, replaying John’s words and his request. He may have his plan, but I have my own.

John wants me to scare these guys? Sure. I’ll happily scare themaway.

But that’s not enough. I need to find ways to show Chelsea how I feel so when I finally tell her, it won’t be coming out of left field. Starting tonight, with tree decorating.

By the end of all these dates John orchestrated, there will be one man left standing. The RIGHT MAN. The one who’s been here all along.

I can only hope I’m the right man Chelsea actually wants.


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Dear Dr. Love,

I know you said to call you Sam, but old habits die hard!

Speaking of dying … my date with Chase did NOT go well. Or, I guess, I thought it went okay, but then I went camping with friends and he was our guide. Turns out he’s in love with the woman who was the other guide.

It also turns out that you shouldn’t try to pet a wild skunk. Ask me how I know.

Anyway. Mason didn’t seem jealous at all, so that sucks.

BUT! I do have some updates.

First, he bought me a Christmas tree and asked me to decorate it with him tonight. That’s a good sign, right???

Second and maybe more importantly, I am now sharing my brother’s apartment with Mason. Like, we are LIVING TOGETHER. For the next six months. (Long story involving a very annoying and overbearing older brother.)

This will provide lots of opportunities to see Mason. To spend time together. Which … could be good or bad, depending on how things go.

Oh! And the same aforementioned overbearing brother decided to take it upon himself to set me up on blind dates (another long story). So, now I’m living with my crush who asked me to do a kind of date-like thing, and I’m also supposed to go on dates my brother set me up on with strangers.

Could my life be more complicated? PLEASE don’t say yes.


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