Page 75 of Prince of Sin

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"Always here for you, Raven," he replies, his eyes warm.

With a final nod, I leave the chapel and make my way back to my quarters. As I walk, I mull over Father James' words, feeling a sense of clarity wash over me. Upon reaching my room, I open the closet and smile at the array of dresses inside. The fundraiser is a costume masquerade, and I fully intend to dress the part.

My fingers brush against the luxurious fabrics as I select my outfit, anticipation building for the night ahead. No one will know who I've chosen to portray, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm ready to face the truth and move forward.

I stand in my room, the soft light from the vanity mirror casting a warm glow around me. My hands tremble slightly as I pick up the makeup brush and begin applying eyeshadow, the colors dark and dramatic. One stroke at a time, my reflection transforms into someone I barely recognize. Someone strong, confident, and ready to face what's been haunting her for far too long.

"Okay, Raven," I mutter to myself, curling my hair into loose waves that cascade around my face. "You got this. You can do this."

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, small but genuine. It's been so long since I've felt anything close to happiness, and I relish in the sensation. It's like a melody playing softly in the background, harmonizing with my newfound determination.

As I fasten the last accessory onto my dress, I can't help but marvel at how it's all come together. The silk feels cool against my skin, a stark contrast to the oppressive fabric of my usual attire. I inhale deeply, the scent of perfume filling my lungs and adding to the sense of transformation that's swept over me.

I admire my reflection in the mirror. "Who would've thought?"

My mind wanders back to my past, to the life I'd left behind when I sought refuge in the church. What if things had been different? What if I'd grown up in a loving home, free to pursue my dreams and ambitions?

"Maybe it's not too late," I whisper, suddenly struck by the realization that I'm still young. That there's still time to change my life and become the person I was meant to be.

With one last glance in the mirror, I steel my resolve and take a deep breath. Tonight, I'll face the truth head-on and confront Teddy. Whether our paths continue together or diverge, I refuse to let the church be my hiding place any longer. The guilt and pain that have consumed me for so long will no longer dictate my life.

"Let's do this," I say, closing my eyes briefly before stepping out of my room and into the unknown.

Glancing at the clock, I realize Teddy's long gone by now. My heels click against the marble floor as I make my way through the foyer, the sound echoing through the large, empty space. I approach the soldier waiting for me, and he can't help but let a hint of shock cross his face.

"Hey, I need a ride to the ball," I say, trying to sound casual despite feeling a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

"Of course," he replies, quickly recovering his composure. We walk to the car parked outside, and the ride is filled with heavy silence, but I focus on what's ahead, my resolve growing stronger with each passing moment.

As we arrive at the private castle hosting the fundraiser, I can't help but be awed. It's like the mansion all over again – but more so. It was clearly an old structure bought by some rich person, gutted, and turned into a modern marvel. As I step out of the car, my eyes take in every detail of the eerie beauty before me.

Moss creeps up the ancient stone walls, vines twisting around turrets and towers as if they're trying to reclaim the place for nature. The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and decay, contrasting sharply with the glamorous scene unfolding before me. Guests in elaborate costumes ascend the steps, their faces hidden behind intricate masks.

I adjust the mask covering my own features and begin my climb, scanning the crowd for any sign of Teddy. But it's impossible to pick him out among the sea of mysterious faces. Anxiety knots in my chest, but I push it aside, knowing I have to stay focused.

"Alright, girl, you got this," I mutter under my breath, trying to pump myself up. I'm not here to hide anymore, or to lose myself in guilt. I'm here to face Teddy and whatever comes next, even if it scares the hell out of me.

Stepping through the double doors, I'm greeted by a breathtaking scene. A live band plays in the corner, their haunting melodies adding to the surreal atmosphere. Rich fabrics drape from the high ceilings, and candlelight flickers, casting dancing shadows on the walls. It's like stepping into another world altogether, one where anything could happen.

"Find Teddy, tell him the truth, and face whatever comes," I repeat my mantra in my head, steeling myself for the confrontation ahead. I take a deep breath and plunge into the crowd, ready to confront my fears and embrace the uncertain future that awaits.


The doors to the fundraiser swing open with a flourish, revealing Raven, clad in an intricate black costume, the very embodiment of Lilith. Her makeup is dramatic, accentuating her hazel eyes, while her raven-black hair falls in loose waves down her back. A silver upside-down cross dangles around her neck, drawing whispers and stares from the crowd. The black lace mask obscuring her face only adds to the air of mystery surrounding her.

As soon as I see her, my heart skips a beat, making it damn near impossible to focus on anything else. Enzo's voice fades into the background, along with the Russian Bratva guy he's been chatting with. I want—no, Ineed—to get to Raven.

"What are your thoughts on the matter?" Enzo asks me, nodding towards the Bratva man. But I'm not listening, my gaze locked on Raven as she hesitates at the top of the stairs, scanning the room.

"Teddy, did you hear me?" Enzo presses, his bushy eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," I mumble, tearing my eyes away from the vision that is Raven for just a second, trying to refocus on the conversation. But it's useless; all I can think about is her, the way the curve of her lips seems to call out to me, the way her eyes seem to pierce through the darkness of the room.

"Excuse us," Enzo says, pulling us away from Bratva-man. He grabs me by the elbow and forces me to take my eyes off Raven. "Are you even listening at all?" Enzo snaps, clearly irritated by my lack of attention.

"Sorry, Enzo. It's just..." I trail off, gesturing vaguely in Raven's direction, unable to find the words to describe the magnetic pull she has on me.

"Christ, Teddy. Get your head out of the gutter and focus," Enzo grumbles, his mustache twitching with impatience. "You know we've got business to attend to tonight."

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