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Colton: Think of me naked on your date. Oh wait, I’m sure you already are, obviously, if you’re texting me and not paying attention to him. I guess you’re wishing you took me up on my dinner offer now.

I stare at his texts, and while every single word is true, I don’t want him to know that. I decide not to respond. But then he sends one last message.

Colton: If you want to come over to my place tonight, let me know. I’ll leave the door open for you, and then I’ll give you the fucking of your life. Oh wait, I’ve already done that.

My jaw drops, and I blush as I stare at his message, and then put my phone back into my handbag.

“So, what’d you think?” Zevo says, finishing. I don’t know if he’s realized that I was texting on my phone or not, but I don’t care.

“I think that you have a very unique talent,” I say, staring at him. “And I think that I’m actually a lot hungrier than I thought I was, so let’s order.”

“Great,” he says, “I knew you would be down with this white chocolate.”

I cannot believe that he’s called himself white chocolate. I cannot believe that this is real life. I want to start laughing. I want to call Isabel and Sarah and tell them what a hot mess this evening was. But I know I need to be polite. I know that there are so many things going on that I just need to eat, drink, and be merry, and get my mind off all of them for even a little bit, because I think I’m starting to fall for Colton, and that scares me, because all we have going is a game. And one thing I know is that you don’t fall for someone that’s part of a game because you’re only looking to get hurt.


“Ican’t talk long, Isabel,” I whisper into the phone. “He’s just gone to the restroom. I just don’t know what to do.”

“I mean, you don’t have many options.” She giggles. “He does sound like a little bit of an idiot.”

“Girl, he’s more than a little bit of an idiot. He’s a royal idiot. He has been rapping the entire night, and when I say rapping, I’m using that term generously because he cannot rap to save his life.” I giggle slightly. “Why do I always meet these weirdos?”

“Because most of the guys out there are weirdos,” she says. “Why don’t you just leave?”

“Because I want to be able to look Colton in the face tomorrow and say, ‘The date lasted for hours’ and mean it.”

“Oh my gosh. Really?”

“Yes, because he’s been texting me all night saying, ‘Are you thinking about me? Oh, I know you’re thinking about me. Oh, I know you want me.’”

“But you have been thinking about him.”

“Okay, sure I have, but I don’t want him to know that.”

“Okay, then, so what are you going to do? You want to come over here, and we can...”

“No, I can’t tell Colton that I left my date and went to hang out with you.”

“Okay, so what do you want to tell Colton?”

“I want to tell him that my date came back to my place.”

“Girl, you’re not actually thinking about hooking up with that guy just so you can tell Colton that you hooked up with him.”

“Of course not, goofy, but maybe if I invite him over to karaoke or to play a game or something.”

“Oh my gosh. Really, Ella?”

“I know it sounds crazy, but Colton is just driving me crazy, and well, I need to get him off my mind.”

“You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s weird. He’s so supportive in the workspace, and I love that because it’s really encouraging, but he’s just so full of himself.”

“Girl, just go over to Colton’s place tonight and let him bang you senseless.”

“Isabel, you’re not helping, and no, I’m not going to do that.”

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