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“You too. You’re back earlier than I thought you would be. Frannie just brushed her teeth and went to bed.”

“Oh, that’s good,” he says, nodding. “I’m actually not going to be here for very long. I have to get up early. So I was wondering if you would stay the night.”

“Oh, but I have to go to my job tomorrow.”

“I promise I’ll be back by six.”

“I don’t know. I…”

“You can take my bed,” he offers, walking over to me. “And I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Okay,” I say, sighing. I don’t really know how to say no if he has to go back out to work. “But please be back by six because I need to go home and shower and change and then be at the office by, like, eight.”

“I got you,” he says, smiling. “So you want to watch a movie? Or…”

“No, I should just head to the room and lie down,” I say, feeling slightly awkward. “Maybe I’ll have a shower.”

“Okay. You know where the towels are,” he says.

I head toward the bedroom and close it behind me. I really don’t want to stay here, especially not in Danny’s room. I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at my phone, wondering what I’m going to do. I have five text messages from Colton with smiley faces and two comments stating, “You owe me a thousand dollars.” He most probably thinks I hung up because I didn’t want to show him my panties, but I freeze as I realize that my panties are still on the couch.

“Fuck,” I whisper under my breath. A slight knocking on the door makes me jump up. “You can come in,” I say, looking over at the doorway as Danny comes in. There’s a wide smirk on his face.

“Hey, I think you forgot these.” My panties are in his hand, and he throws them to me. There’s a look on his face that makes me want to crawl under a rock and die. This has to be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life. I am not sure if I will ever recover from this moment.

“Oh, I spilled water on them,” I say quickly, groaning inside as I realize how stupid I sound. How the hell does one spill water on their panties? Worst lie ever.

“It’s okay,” he says, laughing. “Hey, if you ever spill water on them again and you need help drying them, I can help.” He licks his tongue across his lips and winks at me, and I can feel myself blushing. “I’m just joking,” he says quickly. “You have a good night now.”

“Thanks. You too,” I say. Because how else do you respond to that? It’s not like I can tell him he’s being inappropriate. I could imagine going in front of a judge and pleading my case. “Well, your honor, I do admit that my panties were on his couch, yes, but he was the one that was out of line for waggling his tongue at me. Yeah, the judge would have lots of sympathy for me. Not.

He closes the door behind him, and I know that there is something definitely wrong in this situation. I don’t know what is going on, but I really hope Danny doesn’t think that I left the panties for him to find.


Ifeel like I am doing the walk of shame as I make my way into the office the next morning. I try hard not to think about Danny and the events of the previous evening. I feel like I am living in a nightmare where, every day, I find myself in even more awful and precarious positions. I try not to think of Danny’s flirtatious face this morning when I was leaving. His sly comment asking if I left any presents for him in his room made my skin crawl. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or serious, but I really hoped that he didn’t think I left him my panties on purpose last night because that was definitely not the case.

I really hope that Colton is not going to be there this morning. I don’t want to see him. I don’t want to talk about our phone call. I especially don’t want him to talk about any of our intimate moments. There have been far too many of them. I don’t know why I can’t seem to resist him. And I don’t really want to analyze the reasons why he sets my skin on fire.

It’s not like he’s utterly gorgeous.

Or that his soulful blue eyes seem to pierce my soul.

His perfectly coiffed, silky golden-brown hair doesn’t feel like heaven on my fingers.

And his abs for days don’t make my stomach flip.

I certainly didn’t wake up this morning thinking about his smirk and how it sends my entire body racing for cover.

I am not interested in him.


I really hope he’s not going to be there this morning. I just want one day to just be and relax.

The office is busy this morning. I’m not sure if that is normal as I haven’t been here in years, but I sure hope that the long line of people isn’t going to make me late. I know that there is a one-hundred-percent certainty that if I’m late, Colton will be there. Just waiting for me with that devious, “I’m better than you” look on his face.

I try not to sigh as I join the line. There are at least five other people standing by reception waiting to check in. I attempt to brush my hair back with my fingers as I wait. I’d forgotten to put it up due to my rushing to get away from Danny, and I knew it had to look a frizzy mess.

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