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“But I wasn’t trying to do that! I…”

“It doesn’t matter if you were or if you weren’t. He obviously got it into his head that that was something you were interested in.”

“Okay, and how does this help? It will just reinforce the fact that he thinks I’m interested in it.”

“Exactly. He wanted to be a jackass to you before. Well, let him have a reason to be a jackass.”

“What are you saying?”

“Pretend you’re looking for a sugar daddy, girl. He has to know that you aren’t really looking for a sugar daddy because he’s not that dumb. He’s rich for a reason. So obviously, he was doing that to be a jackass to you. So let’s pretend that maybe now you’ve changed your personality and you are looking for a sugar daddy. He is going to go out of his mind when he thinks you left him for a sugar daddy.”

“Um, I can’t leave him if I’m not with him.”

“You know what I mean,” she says, giggling. “He still wants to hook up with you, right?”

“I mean, I guess. You know men love those situations where they can just hook up as much as they want.”

“Exactly. He wants to hook up with you. Sure, he might not want a relationship with you, but even if he doesn’t want a relationship with you, he will get possessive and territorial. Pretend that you’ve got another man, a sugar daddy, and you don’t need him.”

“I don’t know, Isabel. This sounds awfully complicated. And how the hell am I meant to let him know that I have a sugar daddy? It’s not like I’m going to tell Sam and he’s going to pass on the information. My parents would ship me back to Florida before we could blink if they thought I was even thinking about such a thing.”

“You just sign up, start messaging with people, and leave your profile open around him. You know men are nosy. He’s going to look.”

“Oh, I guess. Let me think about it.”

“Trust me,” she says, laughing. “He is going to go out of his mind if you do such a thing.”

My phone beeps, and I look at the screen and see that Colton is calling me. I groan. “Well, speak of the devil.”

“What?” she says. “A sugar daddy already?”

“Isabel, really? How is a sugar daddy already contacting me if I’m not even on the website yet?”

“Oh, yeah.” She laughs. “What’s going on?”

“Colton’s on the other line. I will call you back in a second.”

“Okay. But promise me one thing.”


“Don’t have phone sex.”

I hang up the phone instead of answering her. “Yeah, can I help you, Colton?” I snap into the phone, not wanting him to think that I want to talk to him.

“Hey. Yeah. My company is breaking ground on a new residential real estate deal in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and we’re also developing something in Southwest Florida in the Sarasota area. I’m going to need you to figure out the estimated property taxes for each parcel based on the information we give you for each house.”

“What?” I say, staring into the phone, wondering if I heard him correctly.

“Yeah. You’re my assistant, and I’m paying you a lot of money, so I’m going to need you to come into the office tomorrow and work on this.”

“Are you out of your mind?” I say. “That is not even in my wheelhouse. That is…”

“I guess you’re going to have to figure out how to do it, aren’t you?”

I bite down on my lip. “You know what? Sure. I’ll be in the office tomorrow, bright and early.”

“Good,” he smirks as if there could have been no other reasonable answer. “And I mean, if you want to come over…”

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