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“He most probably thought you looked hot and wanted to try and hook up with you,” she says, “because you do look hot.”

“Well, thank you. I guess I will take that as a compliment.” I sigh. “I think Colton thought I looked hot, too.”

“Well, didn’t you say you almost banged him in the bathroom?” She shakes her head as we make our way up the stairs toward my apartment. “Which I think is crazy, by the way. You banged him once, and now you almost banged him again.”

“Do we have to say ‘bang,’ Isabel? That’s so crude.”

“I mean, it was kind of crude. You were in a dirty-ass bathroom. He has your panties in his pocket. Come on, Ella. It’s not like you’re some shy virgin who’s never had sex before. You literally had a one-night stand with a guy, and you almost had a two-night stand tonight.”

“I told you that was part of my plan. I was going to tease him and turn him on and then leave him with blue balls.”

“Yeah, but you left yourself horny, too.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“So why did he fire you again?” she asks me as we make our way into the apartment with the steaming hot cheese-and-pepperoni pizza.

“Honestly, I don’t really know.”

I look over at her as we make our way to the living room and sit down. I turn on the TV for background noise while she opens the box, and we both reach in and grab a slice. “Tell me again what happened?”

“I mean, not really much happened. I was only there one hour. I was in his office, and he basically told me that he was going to start the official training after he had a meeting. And this older guy comes in, some billionaire that was his mentor, and was speaking to me and asking me where I went to school and if I was dating anyone. And I said no. And then he says, and I’m pretty sure he was joking, ‘Oh, have you ever thought about being a sugar baby?’ And I replied because I was joking as well, ‘Oh, no. Why? What does that entail?’ Anyway, that was it. I didn’t say yes or anything. The billionaire, I can’t even remember his name now, goes into the office, and ten minutes later, Colton comes out, walks over to my desk, and says, ‘You’re fired.’ My jaw dropped. I was like, ‘What?’ He’s like, ‘Please leave now. You’re fired.’”

“Oh my gosh, Ella.” Isabel looks at me with wide eyes. “Do you think he thought you were coming on to his mentor?”

“What? No. Why would he think that?”

“You said you were joking around about being a sugar baby.”

“Yeah, but I was joking. Of course I wasn’t interested in being some old dude’s sugar baby.”

“But does Colton know that?”

“I mean, I shouldn’t have to specifically tell him that. I’m not that sort of girl. He’s been best friends with Sam for ages. He’s known me. That’s why I got the job.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t really know you that well, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you were in school. I’m sure you weren’t hanging out with him and Sam fairly often.”

“I guess that’s true.”

“So do you think he thinks that?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “If that’s what he thought, then he should have said something to me. Anyway, I’m just so annoyed by him.”

“Well, why don’t you just quit?”

“I can’t quit. If I quit, my parents will kill me and be so disappointed, and Sam will be disappointed. And I need the money, Isabel. I have bills to pay.”

“I know. What about if you make him fire you again?”

“What? What do you mean?”

“If he fires you, maybe he’ll give you a severance package and you can say, ‘Oh, is this sexual harassment?’”

“Oh my gosh, what?”

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