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He growls as he continues to rub my clit, and I flick my hair back. He leans forward and kisses me again. It’s hot and heavy, and I want nothing more than for him to be inside of me.

“Fuck,” he whispers against my lips. “I don’t even have any condoms,” he groans and I feel his disappointment twisting inside of me. “You and those stupid balloons.”

“Oh, man,” I say, looking at him with a sad face. “Shucks, I forgot about that.”

“I can pull out, though,” he says, his cock between my legs, ready to thrust inside of me. I want him inside of me so badly, but instead, I push him away.

“I don’t think so,” I say. “You’re my boss. It wouldn’t really be appropriate to get pregnant by my boss. Do you know how that would look?” I say, biting down on my lower lip as I quickly grab my bra and top and put them back on. I pull my skirt down and watch as he stares at me with a confused expression on his face.

“Wait, what?” he rubs his forehead and frowns. I hate that the look makes my heart leap. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting dressed so I can get out of here.”

“Oh, are we going to go back to my place?” he says, staring at me as he does the buttons of his shirt back up. “We can pick up some rubbers on the way.”

“I don’t think so, Colton,” I say coldly as I grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe it against his face. “You have lipstick on your cheek,” I explain, smiling sweetly. “I don’t want Sam to ask you where it came from.”

“Where are you going?” he says as I walk to the door and look back at him.

“I’m going to go and get Isabel, and we’re going to go and grab a pizza or something, and I’m going home, and who knows? Maybe, just maybe, I’ll find Russell’s number and tell him exactly what’s going on, or maybe I’ll invite—”

“That dude is not going to be going over to your place,” he says, “knowing I was inside of you a couple of days ago.”

“Well, you might have ruined that connection, but you’re not going to ruin the next one that I make, Colton. Trust me.”

“So what? You’re just going to leave me here with blue balls?”

I grin wickedly at his question. That was the plan.


“Oh my gosh, that man absolutely infuriates me,” I say to Isabel as we make our way back to my place. “I can’t stand him.”

“Really?” Isabel says, looking over at me.

“What do you mean, ‘Really?’” I glare at her, still feeling hot and bothered from my encounter with Colton.

“I just feel like you guys have chemistry, which you don’t want to acknowledge.”

“I have acknowledged it.”

“Well, is sleeping with him acknowledging it, or just—”

“Really, Isabel? I am so pissed right now. He is so full of himself. He destroyed—”

“Hold on a second.” Isabel holds her hand up. “He didn’t destroy anything.”

“He destroyed my relationship with Russell.”

“Girl, you barely knew that man. You don’t even know his last name,” she says, and I pause. “I’m sorry. You know, I know that you and Colton have a history, but he might be better now.”

“He’s not better now. He fired me after one hour when I first started working for him, and now he’s ruined a potentially great relationship.”

I hold my hand up and stare at her as we get to my door. “Do not say that Russell and I didn’t have a relationship.”

“Well, you didn’t,” she says sarcastically. I can tell she’s annoyed, and I wonder if it has to do with me or what she was arguing with Sam about in the bar.

“I mean a potential. We both connected.”

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