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I can feel her laugh against me.

"Shut up, Logan. Only you would joke about nearly dying just to win an argument." Her laughter quiets and she looks at me. "But seriously, don't ever scare me like that again. You got it?"

"From now on, I'll stick to stealing your clients. No more near-death experiences, promise."

She gives me a look.

I glance at the clock on my cell phone, realizing that it's gotten late. Bailey looks exhausted but there's a softness in her eyes that wasn't there earlier, a sort of peace. She should head home, get some rest. We both should. But I don't like the thought of her leaving.

"Bailey..." I start, unsure of how she might react. "It's late and..." I pause, struggling to find the right words. I don’t want her to misinterpret my intentions. "Look, I know how this might sound, but... would you mind staying? Tonight?" I rush to clarify, "I mean, on the couch or the guest room... or I can take the couch if you prefer."

I look at her, hoping she'll understand that it's not a proposition. I genuinely don't want to be alone tonight. I need her, maybe more than I'm willing to admit. Maybe more than I should.

I can see her mentally debating my proposition. I wait for her response.

"Yes. I'll stay. I want to make sure you are okay tonight." Relief floods through me, and I can't help but give her a small smile.

We stay out in the living room, watching TV until we both start to get tired. This time, there's no teasing, no flirty banter. Just quiet companionship that oddly feels... right.

Bailey nods off first, her head rolling onto my shoulder. The flickering blue light from the television casts shadows across her face. I watch her, my chest heavy with an emotion I don't recognize.

I can't look away.

I don't want to.

I'm captivated by the rise and fall of her chest, the soft sighs that escape her lips.

This is weird.

I don't normally experience this with women.

It's a feeling not fueled by desire or seduction or the thought of sex.

No, this is something really fucking different, something deeper.

I don't want her to leave.

I'm not mentally calculating how quickly I can get her out of my apartment once morning comes. Instead, I want her company. I want her here.

I look at Bailey as she sleeps, her face unguarded, and something shifts within me.

I realize that I'm falling for her. Not in the way I've fallen for women in the past, this is different.

She's different.



Iwake up from a deep sleep. It’s morning now. My heart thuds in my chest as my hazy thoughts sharpen into a horrifying realization.

I'm at Logan’s place.

Oh God.

I stayed at Logan’s last night.

Panic surges through me as last night’s events flood back.

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