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Kohen’s POV of Chapter Seventeen

Watching her dance with my best friend is launching me to a new level of jealousy I’ve never dealt with. I want to rip her curvy body out of his hands. Every moment I see them together pisses me off more and more. I feel like a stalker lurking in the shadows. The only reason I don’t scoop her away is because I enjoy watching her. Seeing her body move, her eyes scanning the room for me. I know she’s looking for me because she’s with him. The sight of her in the small moments, where she doesn’t feel like she has to impress anyone when she thinks no one is looking. She’ll look at herself in the reflection, or brush her hair out of her face. Even when she aimlessly plays with the chain belt on her waist. Simple moments where her guard doesn’t have a reason to be sky high and her features are soft and relaxed. Those little things make my dick rock hard for her.

The fact that a girl I barely know has my attention this way blows my mind and I have a feeling it is the exact same way for her. The way she told me off the first time she met me and never backed down got under my skin. She doesn’t chase me or beg me for time and attention. I like it, but the flip side is it makes me want to follow her around like a little lost puppy. That’s the part I don’t like- being so fucking intoxicated by her that I need a little hit. It’s just lust, it has to be. The moment we fuck, it will dissipate.

As the night goes on, I entertain guests, show my face where it needs to be seen, make my donations, and finally grab a drink. It’s only one drink, I won’t overdo it. I want to be sober for the moment I swoop in and save her from Xzavien’s boring ass.

I walk to where I saw them last and they aren’t there. The long halls in my home don't help the anticipation I feel to get to her. There she is- the sight of her freezes me in my tracks, her luscious body sways to the rhythm of the beat where she stands… It’s fucking teasing. No one around her notices, they are too busy chatting.

But I notice.

Sneaking up behind them slowly, I swear her body knows I’m nearby. The swaying stops and her demeanor shifts, her body now tense. She looks around discreetly but doesn’t look in the direction I’m coming from. I scoot as close to her as I can without touching her and whisper in her ear. I try to get her attention so we can leave this shit show, but she stays at Xzavien’s side, which makes me want to rock his shit. He knows I like her, he knows I’m interested, but he always has to try and take what’s mine.

She rejects me at every point and even denies my offer to dance and ends up on the dance floor with him. I let it happen. If I wanted to stop it, I would. I’m the king of this fucking castle.

X is acting real brave tonight with her on his arm. He’ll regret this, I’ll make sure he remembers. My jaw hits the floor when she asks him to dance. I’ll watch them dance, I want to see his hands on her, see if she likes it, if she wants him, too.

I watch them dance for a few songs and it’s all good fun. They don’t get too close or grind, but she looks to be having so much fun. Her face is lit up like a star in the sky. No, not a star. A star isn’t worthy enough. Alex is the sun.

Everything is fine until she wraps her arms around his fucking neck. I walk away before I do something I’ll regret and X would love to make a fool out of me. I need a fucking drink. I set my sights on the bar and make a beeline for it. I know I said I’d only have one, but I can’t take much more of this shit. Why does she play so many fucking games? I know I left her house without a legit explanation, and I haven’t had the time to text her or respond to the texts she sent me, but I told X to let her know what was going on. I’m training for the Olympic team and I don’t have much time, and any time I do have is spent training. I refuse to drop out like most gymnasts. I’m guessing he didn’t tell her if she is all over his dick like this.

I take several shots of El Jimador tequila, it’s the best. My uncle Ruben swore by it, he would talk about it like it was gold. He could probably sell it to the distributor. I keep it stocked, even though I don’t drink often because it reminds me of him. I keep seeing images of Alex dancing, she looks so free with him. Sexy as fuck regardless. Fuck!

I feel a hand rub my back and I look over my shoulder. I deflate when I see it’s not Alex.

“Hey, Ko, how’s it going? Drinking alone, I see. Want me to keep you company?”

“No, Sasha. I don’t. I’m waiting for someone.”

She rubs my shoulder, one hand on my chest leaning in with her big juicy tits practically in my face. It does nothing for me. Alex is all I want, and I want her now.

“Get the fuck away from me, Sasha. Go find some poor freshman to fuck. I’m sure there are plenty living off daddy’s wallet. Hell, maybe you can fuck them both and double dip. I don’t give a fuck. All I know is I want you far away from me and fast. “I take another shot and shove her hand off my shoulder. “Don’t ever fucking touch me again.”

It’s harsh but I hate when girls just think they can touch me, not every man wants to be used as a sexual fucking toy, believe it or not. I know I’m in the minority, despite what the people in this tiny city believe. I do not fucknearas many girls as they think I do. Fuck around yes, but not all these women deserve what I have to offer and I don’t mean sex.

Not even bothering to look in the direction of X and Alex, I run to the restroom. All these shots have me needing to piss.

I come back buzzed, not drunk. My alcohol tolerance is too high to be drunk off a few shots. A few people stop me to talk but I just want to get back to the bar. I’m sure Alex left with X by now.

I look up and couldn’t be happier that I’m wrong. That sexy crazy girl is sitting at the bar,mybar, as if she is waiting for me. Because I’m buzzed, I’m brave, braver than I already am on a regular basis because my lips touch her skin andfuckkk.She feels good, her skin is soft underneath my lips. She smells like fucking heaven. I need to know what that perfume is, it drives me crazy. My arm wraps around her and things escalate quickly between us right here in front of everybody. I need her now. She is so wet.

I stop, her frustration is written on her face and laced in her tone but I don’t care. This little brat is going to learn to be a good girl. I pull her into me and I don’t know what fucking possesses me, but I kiss her nose. I kiss her fucking nose! I bring her hand to my face and rub the back of it across my midnight shadow. My eyes close unwillingly because her skin feels so fucking delicious against mine. My dick is so hard, I think it will explode. The feeling of skin on skin never felt so fucking good. Better than sex, if possible. It comforts me like something I’ve never felt before.

I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing but I know I’m doing it with her.

“Come on, Angel. Let’s go upstairs.” I take her hand and lead her to the stairway at the end of the grand hall. She follows close, one of her hands wrapped in mine and the other holding my arm. We make our way to the second floor and then the third. We’re both out of breath and buzzed. I place my finger on the pad and it beeps, letting us know it’s open. Her eyes are wide and wondering. I push the door open, and she passes in front of me to get through the doorway, smelling fucking amazing.



The size of Kohen’s bedroom is mind blowing. It’s like a whole apartment set inside the middle of this huge fucking house. He has an open living room with black leather couches and a huge glass coffee table set in front of it- also black. There are touches of gold everywhere but I can see the theme of this entire room is black on black. It’s sleek and gorgeous like him.

“Is this all yours?”

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