Page 42 of Sinful God

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Havoc’s dad hadn’t gotten to where he was by being a nice guy. He was a ruthless bastard. Havoc hadn’t fallen far from that tree.

“Let’s just say that your father is behind this. What then?” I studied Havoc closely, noting the way his lip twitched.

He didn’t answer for several long minutes. Finally, he shook his head. “I have no idea.”

He could deny being attached to Raina all he wanted. I knew him though. He’d claimed her. We all had. That made her ours. She was far more than a special interest. I wasn’t going to argue with Havoc about that. He was in denial.

That would come to an abrupt end if Maverick was behind everything. Havoc would be forced to make a decision then. His father or Raina.

We finished our beers in peace. I didn’t push the conversation any further. It was evident to me that Havoc was lost inside himself. All I could do was hope that when we caught this guy, it turned out to have nothing to do with Maverick. Maybe Nikki was a mobster groupie, floating from one to the other. Maybe that’s all there was to this whole thing.

Deep down I knew that wasn’t true.

We waited until well after dark before venturing out. The plan was for Raina to walk to campus as if she were on her way to meet Clover at the dorm. Gage would tail her on foot. Havoc and I would keep our distance and go by vehicle.

Raina came downstairs dressed in black leggings, a tank top, and a thin hoodie. She looked like she was ready to sneak around in the dark and slash some tires. If it wasn’t for the dark expression she wore, I’d have teased her about it. Both Raina and Havoc were on edge and tightly wound. I hoped that neither of them screwed this up.

“Ready?” I asked when we were all gathered by the front door.

“Fuck yeah.” Raina jerked the door open. “I can’t wait to bring an end to this shit.”

She strolled out and stuck her hands in her pockets, ambling down the front walk like she didn’t have a care in the world. For a girl who was about to play bait, she seemed incredibly calm and composed.

Too bad I couldn’t say the same for Havoc. He was obviously irritable and ready to snap. We waited until both Raina and Gage had disappeared down the block before following in my Jeep.

Gage quickly vanished. He had the ability to become a shadow, going unseen until he chose to reveal himself. Raina strode down the street looking like an easy target. Hopefully not too easy. We didn’t want this guy to catch on to our plan. I followed her from block to block, pulling over every so often and watching from a distance before catching up.

She made it all the way to campus property before anything happened. Raina strolled through the parking lot toward the student residence. That’s when our guy finally made his move.

From where we sat at the end of the parking lot, Havoc and I watched him emerge from between two vehicles right next to Raina. She jumped like he’d startled her. Maybe he had. He’d done a good job being stealthy.

He threw his full weight into her, tackling her to the ground. She went down hard. The sight made my blood boil. I wanted to seriously fuck this guy up worse than the idiot who’d insulted her at our party. This guy was going to pay with copious amounts of blood.

Havoc and I shoved our doors open as we scrambled to get out. Gage was closer. He got there first. As we rushed through the parking lot, Gage grabbed the man and jerked him off Raina. He threw him down on the pavement and climbed on top of him. His fists were flying as he punched the guy in the face over and over.

“Ease up, Gage,” I shouted as we approached. “We need him alive and conscious.”

Havoc helped Raina to her feet, looking her over for wounds. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

“Just a few scrapes. I’m fine.” Raina turned to the man on the ground beneath Gage, kicking him in the ribs with her boot. “Let’s find out who this piece of shit is and what he knows.”

Since we were at risk of being discovered, we dragged the guy back to my vehicle. I opened up the back. We tossed him inside, blocking his escape. Not that he was going anywhere. His eyes fluttered as he tried not to pass out. Blood ran from his nose.

Havoc jerked the black mask off his head. It was a twenty-something man with short buzzed hair and dark eyes. I didn’t recognize him.

“Who the hell are you and why are you stalking our girl?” Havoc barked, both hands clenched into fists. “Start talking or we’ll find plenty of inventive ways to make you talk.”

Gage clambered into the back of the SUV with our captive, jerking one of his arms painfully behind his back until he screamed.

“I was hired to grab her for someone. I don’t know who. It was all done anonymously. I’m supposed to drop her off at an address I was given. That’s all I know. I swear.” The man’s words flowed freely. He wasn’t an old pro at this kind of thing. That much was obvious.

“What’s the address?” Havoc demanded.

“I don’t know. It’s in my phone. In the notes.” The man handed over the device.

Havoc went through the phone, finding the notes app. His eyes widened. “Fuck. Okay, I guess you’ll have to die now.”

Pulling a handgun equipped with a silencer from inside his jacket, he pressed the barrel to the man’s head and forced him out of the car and onto his knees on the ground. Raina watched with breath held as Havoc pulled the trigger.

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