Page 68 of Secrets and Kisses

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Daddy was so naughty he made me laugh again and I started to squirm, but he pretended not to know why. “Oh, you look thirsty.”

Sneaky Daddy.

He leaned me back and cuddled me like a baby. I was so big he shouldn’t have been able to, but Daddy was right—he was dragon strong. “Just a few sips. Then I know what we’ll do.”

Stubborn Daddy.

He brought my juice up to my lips again…I liked juice…that was cheating. But I had to take a sip because it was yummy and I was somehow thirsty.

I couldn’t help it.

It wasn’t my fault.

But I closed my eyes anyway as Daddy slipped the nipple of the bottle between my lips and kissed my head, making a happy sound. “Such a good boy for his Daddy.”

I liked being a good boy.

And I liked sucking.

And I liked juice.

Yep, it wasn’t my fault.

Daddy did it.

And since it was Daddy’s fault and I was a good boy, I sucked again and snuggled closer. Daddy hummed and hugged me tight. “Yes, that’s my good boy. The best dino ever.”

I liked being a good dino too, and I was going to be the bestest dragon.

I’d be just like Daddy.

Just thinking about it made me so happy I took another suck and forgot why I’d been worried. But then I remembered…and I wiggled.

Daddy kissed my head again, though. “No worries, baby boy. You’re warm and snuggled and Daddy’s right here.”

Sneaky Daddy.

But he was the bestest dragon Daddy.

He’d said so and I knew he was right.

Daddy was also good at cuddling and getting his way. He made me want to give him his way too. He was just very smart. Some Daddies were like that. Kenzie said so. He’d also talked about diapers and everyone said they’d be nice too.

That meant they’d be nice about me using my diaper.

Scrunching my eyes tighter, I sucked again. I shouldn’t have. Wiggles weren’t helping. The only way to help would be to use my big boy words. But Daddy was very cuddly and I knew I’d make him happy. His list said so.

I liked making Daddy happy because he bought me stuff.


Did good boys who made Daddies happy get more presents?

I had to find out.

So I did it.

But I didn’t open my eyes. I was a good boy…but not that good. I didn’t think I had to be huge gooder to get a present…just regular gooder.
