Page 16 of Winter's Heat

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Closing the door behind me, I go up to my room.

My cock refuses to settle down, so I get out of my clothes and head into the bathroom for a shower.

Under the jets of hot, steamy water, my mind conjures up the image of Winter’s lush body. At once, my cock lengthens and hardens.

Thinking of her full, luscious lips stretched around my shaft, I fist my length, pumping hard and fast. I imagine her wide, green eyes staring up at me as I thrust deep inside her throat.

Heavy grunts escape me as my balls harden.

“Winter!” I hiss out her name as my body goes taut.

Tightening my grasp, I fist my length harder. Next moment, a grunt escapes me as I feel an explosive orgasm rip through me.

I need to support my body by placing a hand on the wall as my knees threaten to give way as streams of cum shoot out, splashing the glass of the shower stall.

My chest heaves as I struggle to control the pounding of my heart. Closing my eyes, I lean against the wall, reveling in the bliss following the intense release.

It’s not just Kai who feels that Winter’s the one for us. Just one whiff of her scent has done this to me. I need her like the very air I’m breathing.

When my body starts to cool down, I wash off the remnants of my essence from my thighs as well as the wall before me. Switching off the water, I step out.

After drying my body, I walk back into my bedroom and climb into bed, naked.

To my surprise, my cock is hard again, begging to be inside Winter.Patience, I tell myself. It’s still too early to dream of her being mine.

I want Winter to choose to be mine on her own.

The untamed beast within me wants to coerce her one way or another. Threaten to call the cops or simply take what belongs to me anyway. Her soft body won’t be an obstacle against my brute alpha strength, but that’s not how I want to break her.

Winter’s innocence is what makes her beautiful. It’ll be the last thing I’d ever want to destroy.

Willing myself to sleep, I close my eyes and pull the covers over my chest, wishing it’d be morning soon.



A groan escapes me as I swallow dryly. My thirst won’t allow me to stay asleep, so grudgingly, I force my eyes open, tearing myself out of a good dream.

Sitting up, I push back the strands of my dark hair and look toward the bedside table. A bottle of water stands there but to my annoyance, it’s empty.

“The hell...” I groan, rubbing my eyes.

The ghost of a sweet vanilla fragrance, tinged with rose, wafts into my nostrils, reminding me of the dream I’d been having. “Winter,” I whisper as her pretty face flashes before my eyes.

Throwing off the cover, I jump out of bed and stride out of the room.

An insane urge to see her overcomes me. I don’t even care about satiating my thirst before seeing her.

Heading to the second-floor guestroom, I push open the door.

A heavy exhale escapes me when I see the empty bed.

She’s gone.

The thought makes my heart clench. As the first rays of the sun enter through the closed curtains, I wonder if it’d all been a dream.

“Winter,” I call out loudly.

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