Page 60 of Trashy Conquest

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“So quick to judge,” he scoffs. “What makes you think your mother doesn’t already know?”

“She knows?”

“We’ve been sleeping in separate bedrooms for years. I’m not the only one screwing other people.” He wanders over to the crystal decanter and pours me two fingers of bourbon. “We have an understanding. Your mother and I know what’s important.” He hands me the tumbler before reclaiming his seat by the fireplace where the glow of gas-lit logs cast the room in warm tones.

“The company,” I answer with a curl of my lip. “Always the goddamn company.” I move to take a sip then think twice about it. Jules has already been confronted with one drunken asshole tonight. I’m not about to add to the tab.

“Yes, the company, but also family, Cash. Your mother and I might not have the type of marriage you approve of, but we still respect each other.”

I can’t help but gape at him. “So you’re saying you and Mom have an open marriage?”

“Yes, for many years now, and this is why I know you and Monica can make it work.”

“I’m not you, Dad. Zero respect remains between Monica and me. She couldn’t even tell me the truth until she got cornered into it. Our marriage is dead and has been for a long time.”

“You’re positive this is what you want?”

“Yes. I’m in love with someone else, and Monica…she still has feelings for Kaden.”

“This isn’t how I envisioned things would end.”

“You and me both.”

“And you’re sure Ned won’t be a problem?”

I lean forward, confronting my father head-on. “You need to trust me to do my job. Ned Blake will pay for what he’s done. I will protect the company.”

“I sense a ‘but’ in there somewhere, son.”

“But I’m not your puppet.” I set the untouched drink onto the table next to his then slide my wedding band off my finger. “It’s time to cut the strings, Dad.” The ring drops to the table next to the glasses. “If you want to keep me on as CEO, then it’s time you started enjoying retirement.”

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