Page 3 of The Librarian

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Squinting my eyes against the harsh sunlight, I lift a hand to shield my face from the heat and mentally chide myself for forgetting my sunglasses…again.

Melissa hisses, “Don’t tell me you don’t notice him always stealing glances at you? Or how he always accompanies you to grab the book you want? It’s like he wants to be alone with you. Ew.”

My pulse races, excitement bubbling in my veins. Really? So he notices me? He doesn’t do that to everyone? I always think he finds me annoying because he has that perpetual crease on his forehead when he sees me. Sometimes, he talks to me like he’s angry or pissed off at something.

But maybe…

Without thinking, I run a finger along my lips. We almost kissed. He was so close. If Melissa didn’t arrive, would he have…?

“He definitely looks dangerous. He’s so tall and broad. If he decides to corner one of us, we can’t do anything about it. And when you think about it that way, he’s kind of a security threat.”

I whirl around so fast that she widens her eyes and staggers back, her shoulder bag sliding to the crook of her elbow.

“What is your problem, Mel? He’s not even doing anything. You drop these accusations based on your assumptions. You think he’s dangerous? Well, how about Todd and his frat brothers who forced me to drink liquor when I already said no? You still hang out with him, right? So you basically have a skewed sense of what’s dangerous.”

I don’t wait for her reply because I turn my back on her and sprint to my next class. My beige leather crossbody bag bounces with each hurried step, with the sun beating down on my back mercilessly. Sweat slides down my spine, and I’m pretty sure I’ll end up semi-soaked with perspiration when I arrive in the hall.

God, I have no idea why I’m still hanging out with Mel or her clique.

She stuck with me on that first day of school, and I went with her because I wasn’t good at making friends. I like to keep to myself, but I thought Melissa was cool.

Yeah, right.

Raw anger shoots through me at the way she described Jacob. She doesn’t even know him, hasn’t talked to him. But she thinks he’s dangerous? What the hell? I’ve never felt safer than when I was with him, even if it’s just a quick walk to the next shelf.

I mean, sure, Jacob’s 6’4” height and brick wall frame looks scary and intimidating at first. But I remember how he’s always gentle when handling books, how careful he is when pulling one from the shelf, or the almost-loving way he runs a finger along the spines.

And his eyes…

Oh god. Whenever he looks at me, I almost melt into a lusty pile of mess on the floor. It’s like he sees through me. Each time he pays attention to what I’m saying, I almost trip over my words because how can anyone stay sane while he stares?

Melissa thinks he’s just another librarian. Well, she’s wrong. He’s a well-known paleontologist with several published books under his name.

Honestly, I don’t know why he works at the library. It doesn’t pay a lot and the job itself seems beneath him. Then again, I don’t care because if he stopped working at my university, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I can’t not see him. I’ll go crazy.

What am I doing here? I have no idea. All I know is that the music at the sorority house was too loud and I felt a headache coming. I can still feel the vibrations inside my head. Not to mention the strobing lights some genius brought and set in the middle of the living room.

Melissa was off doing her thing with her boyfriend. Todd was being his annoying self, forcing another drink on me, smiling his trademark smile that I know won’t lead to anything good.

It was so chaotic that I longed for the peace and quiet the library provided.

Ha-ha, Jenna. Very funny.

Who am I kidding?

I’m here because I need to see him. Need, not want. I feel the longing all the way to my toes, and I can’t rest until I see even a glimpse of him and his massive silhouette.

The wind picks up and my hands automatically go to the edge of my skirt, holding it down and trying to stop it from being lifted higher and exposing my panties. Melissa thought it would be fun to organize a costume party just because, so I’m dressed in a skimpy teacher outfit. I don’t know why I let Mel talk me into wearing this, but here I am.

I should’ve stopped by the apartment and changed into something more appropriate, but when I looked at the time, it was an hour before closing and I didn’t want to waste a single second anymore.

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