Page 2 of The Librarian

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I find the shelf and reach for the book, thankful that this spot is deserted. Jenna’s standing behind me, and I turn around to hand the book to her.

When she grabs it, her fingers brush mine and electricity zaps down my spine. My loins tighten, balls drawing up. The air between us crackles. As I lift my gaze to hers, Jenna’s eyelids flutter and her mouth is slightly open.

Her breath hitches, and she wets her lips.

Fuck. Is it possible? Does she feel that too? But no way. There’s no way. Jenna attracted to me? That’s as realistic as finding T-rex remains right from under me.

Apparently, I’m no longer in control of my body because before I have time to think about it, I’m already closing the distance between us. She’s so much shorter than me so she has to tilt her head to meet my gaze.

My heart slams against my ribcage, and I drag in a deep breath.

What am I doing? I have a very slim chance of making her mine, and I’m blowing it all to bits by what I’m about to do.

Jenna is the most popular girl in college. Everyone knows her. Everyone seeks her approval. Everyone wishes to be her friend…or more.

And if that’s not enough, she’s also ultra-rich. Her father owns a chain of hotels all over the globe, while her socialite mother is constantly traveling and being spotted in the company of Hollywood A-listers.

I know because I did my research.

So why would she—someone who can have any guy she wants—even spare me a glance? A paleontologist and part-time librarian in his mid-30s who looks like a lumberjack on a good day.

No. She’s too pure and innocent for me. I don’t deserve someone like her. I don’t even deserve to be this near. To be…

My thoughts become an incoherent mess, my head full of cotton, when she rests her small hand on my arm.

Oh, fuck.

My pulse kicks into overdrive, a groan rippling in my chest. Her touch burns me, and I summon all my willpower to stop myself from claiming her here and now. She doesn’t deserve that. I’d lay her on a bed of roses if I could.

God, I am not built for this. I am a man who loves paperwork, cold hard facts, and digging fossils. I am not someone who almost comes just because of a simple, innocent touch.

She stands on her tiptoes but still doesn’t come up to my shoulder.

I can’t move. Because if I will, it will be to smash my lips to hers to find out if she tastes as sweet as she looks.

The noise around us fades as her mouth gets closer. I meet her halfway because if she wants this, who the hell am I to say no? I don’t even have it in me to pull back and walk away. She tells me to jump, I ask how high. She orders me to walk on fire, I’ll do it with a smile.

Her hand curls behind my neck, and she runs her fingers through my hair. This may very well be a dream. But fuck if I won’t take advantage.

I lower my head to hers, time moving so damned slowly.

“Jenna! There you are!” a hushed cry sounds behind us.

She might as well have thrown a bucket full of iced water on us because Jenna and I spring to opposite sides of the aisle so fast that I’m surprised I don’t slam against the bookshelves.

“Oh my god. You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you.”

Spinning on my heel, I leave them alone, unable to look Jenna in the eye and refusing to listen to her friend.

I got that close to her. That’s more than enough. Well, it better be because I doubt there will be a next time.



Melissa keeps chattering about the upcoming party at the sorority house, and I tune her out.

I’m still reeling from what happened between me and Jacob Jameson, the librarian and the only reason why I keep coming back here even if I have a copy of all our textbooks at home.

“God, he’s such a creep,” Melissa cups a hand to my ear and whispers.


“The guy you were just with. The librarian. I mean, he looks like he doesn’t belong here, to be honest. I’m surprised the school allowed him to work at the university. He can easily take advantage of students like you. He’s almost as big as the door!”

I feel a flash of irritation, and I whip my head to her, frowning. “What do you mean?”

She rolls her eyes and pulls my arm, leading me to the massive double doors and casting furtive glances at Jacob. The moment they close behind us, humidity wraps around me like an unwelcome, uncomfortable blanket.

Ugh. I’m so not a fan of this weather. I’ll take heavy downpours and snow any day.

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