Page 14 of The Librarian

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“I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I’ve never felt that way before and will never feel it again unless it’s with you. I love you, baby. Will you marry me?”

There’s ringing in my ears as his question echoes inside my head. Is this for real?

Then, Jacob sinks to one knee, pulling out a tiny red velvet box from his pocket and opening it. A massive diamond ring sits inside, and I watch it in awe.


“Believe it or not, I bought this ring on that same day I first saw you. I told myself, if somehow you give me one shot to prove to you I can make you happy for the rest of your life, I’ll take it and give it a hundred percent. So, baby. What’s your answer?”

“Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you.”

Jacob slips the ring into my finger and kisses me with a passion that makes my toes curl. “I love you, Jenna.”

“I love you too, Jacob.”



Five Years Later

My whole body is shaking, tears in my eyes, blurring my vision.

I’m standing in the dimly lit bathroom at 5 AM, the soft glow of the morning sun peeking through our bathroom window.

Two small plastic sticks sit on the counter, my hands braced on either side of it. Two faint lines appear on the first one, while the second one has a plus sign on the tiny result window.

Warmth spreads throughout my body as emotions crash through me—happiness, excitement, anticipation, nervousness, anxiety, dread. But above all, happiness. Unexplainable happiness.

We’re pregnant. We’re having a baby.

Five years after our wedding and countless pregnancy tests, it’s finally happening.

I close my eyes and mutter a thank you to the universe for giving us this blessing, for the little miracle growing inside me.

I jump when I hear a soft knock. “Baby? Are you okay? You’ve been in there for half an hour. Is everything alright?”

Everything is perfect.

Someone once told me that sometimes so many things could happen between waking up and going to sleep. This is one of those. Life isn’t going to be the same. We’ve prayed for this, dreamed of this moment.

Now, it’s happening and I can barely believe it.

I open the door and slip through the gap, clutching both sticks and hiding them behind my back. Jacob’s forehead is creased with worry, and he scans my whole body quickly, assessing and wondering if I’m hurt.

Without another word, I flip the sticks to show him both displays. It takes him a few seconds to realize what he’s looking at.

And I wish I could bottle his reaction, so I could visit it over and over again in my head.

A smile spreads across his face, the creases around his eyes deepening. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me into a tight embrace before he loosens his grip and peppers me with kisses. “Shit. Sorry. Is the baby alright?”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Jacob, it’s still super tiny. Like maybe the size of a grape.”

“Nah, baby. We can’t be too careful. I need to start modifying the house, make sure there’s no sharp edges or slippery floors. And for the next few months, you’re not gonna lift a finger.”

I pull back and poke his side. “No way! I’m not gonna be bedridden for nine months. Besides, I’ll need some exercise too.”

Jacob groans and massages his nape, knowing full well he’s gonna lose this battle—like every single time in the past. “God, baby. What am I gonna do with you?”

I chuckle again. “Just hope the baby doesn’t take after me. You wouldn’t want two of us bossing you around.”

This time, he laughs and buries his face in my hair. “Boss me around all you want. You know I’ll do anything for you.”

“I love you, Jacob.”

“I love you, Jenna. My wife. The mother of my child. My life. My everything.”



I am one possessive motherfucker, and I make sure my wife knows it every single day.

Right now, she’s cheering for our two boys at a baseball game, wearing something short enough for every male gaze to wander toward her.

I wonder how their wives would feel if I came to each one of them and gouged their eyeballs out. I’m not above doing something violent when it comes to protecting Jenna.

“Hot damn. If I had that as a wife, I wouldn’t even let her leave the house. We’ll stay in bed all night long.”

“Say that one more time, shitface, and I’ll make you choke on your own spit while I watch with glee.”

The asshole whips his head to me, and his face drains of color. His buddy drops the can of Coke he’s holding and lowers his gaze to the ground.


“I see you stray your eyes to my wife, even look at the soles of her shoes, I’ll make good on my promise. You hear me?”

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