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They’re not agitating Junior or David. They’re playing it smart and quiet. At least, that’s what I hope is happening. I reach into my glove compartment to grab the gun I always leave there and shove it into the back of my waistband.

I didn’t take my gun with me this morning, knowing I wouldn’t be able to take it into the initiation ceremony, so if I didn’t have this in here, I might be fucked. But instead of me, it’s Junior and David who are going to be fucked.

“We walk in there calmly. We figure out what the fuck is going on, then we kill them,” Wells growls. “Nobody, and I mean nobody, who I’ve entrusted to protect my wife, turns on her and me that way. Not fucking anybody.”

“Then let’s do this, but we have to try to keep it quiet. The last thing I need is a SWAT team storming my condo,” I grumble.

“Says the man who just put a gun in his waistband,” Hendrick says with a snort.

He’s right, but he’s also wrong. “The gun is a last resort. I’m going to strangle that motherfucker with my bare hands,” I state.

I open the door, unfold from the seat, and begin to head toward the garage elevator entrance. The car door opens, and I step inside. Luckily, my brothers are quick behind me because I don’t hold the door open.

The elevator rises, and when it reaches the top floor, a bell dings, and the doors open. Taking a step out of the car, I stand in the hallway and glance from side to side. There are no guards.

Not a single one.

“They aren’t as prepared as I would have been,” I mutter.

Hendrick snorts. “Yeah? You mean like leaving them with the ones who are working against us?”

Looking over my shoulder, I smile back at my brother. “But did I?” I ask. “You saw them, and they have no fucking clue we’re here and saw everything. I’m still not convinced they have Allison anyway.”

“You don’t think?” Wells asks.

“I don’t. They might know who does, but I have a feeling they don’t. It would be too neat, too tidy.”

And it would.

Hendrick grunts. He doesn’t like this, mainly because all of this means that we are fucking lost when it comes to Allison and her whereabouts. And we are. So goddamn lost that I can’t even guess where she could be or who could have her.

“One catastrophe at a time,” Wells grumbles as he reaches for the door to my apartment.

Wordlessly, he twists the handle and pushes the door open. Hendrick follows behind him and loudly announces himself. I quietly move behind them, making sure to lock the door so that escape, if they should attempt it, won’t be easy.

“Well, hello, and how have you been?” Wells announces, his attention focused and flicking between David and Junior.

My attention zeroes in on the women, who are all looking up at me, all of them wearing different expressions on their pretty faces. Parker appears as though she’s uneasy. Mom is clearly enjoying the fact that her boys came to rescue her, and then there’s my sweet Claire. Seeing her instantly causes my dick to harden.

The men don’t do shit. Bryson and Andrew don’t either. But Shelby, she knows she needs to butter us up if we’re going to save her. And she has ambitions.

She wants to marry one of us.

She wants the lifestyle she imagines we can give her. In all honesty, most of us could probably give that to her, but she’ll never have it. She is not wife material in the slightest. I don’t care how intact her hymen is.


I’msure I should feel a sense of relief at watching all three Hamilton brothers walk through the door, one of them being my sexy-as-sin husband. Pressing my thighs together, I will my body to get its hormones under control, considering this is not the time or place to lust after the man.

I flick my gaze from person to person. I can tell David and Junior are surprised, but Bryson is a little scared, mixed with excitement. He thinks he’s going to not only come out of this alive, but also on top.

Shelby licks her lips in an attempt to appear sexy, then she shifts her attention from man to man to man in the room, hoping and begging for just an ounce of interest. Andrew’s eyes are wide, and I can tell he’d rather be anywhere else than here right now—like under the sheets whimpering.

“You figured us out,” Junior calls out, puffing out his chest as if he’s something, or brave or whatever.

David stands behind his brother, obviously allowing him to take the lead. Shifting my attention between everyone in the room, I can’t help but wonder what is going to happen here. It has a very western shoot-out vibe.

“I figured you out before David walked in here. Before I even asked you to come over,” Coleman states. “You had to bury yourselves, though, for me to be justified, and you have, haven’t you?”

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