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A knock on the door. Chris hoped it was open because getting up felt unfair. “Come in.”

Luckily, Ethan must have unlocked the door earlier.


Right, Anthony couldn’t see him from where he was lying. Chris raised his hand, and Anthony walked around the couch, looking even taller from this angle. He held the biggest picnic basket Chris had ever seen. His plain white shirt sat nicely on his broad chest, emphasizing his great build.

“How are you?” He put down the basket.

“I’ve been better.”

Anthony placed his palm on Chris’s forehead. His skin felt soft for someone who worked in construction. “You’re pale, but you don’t have a fever.”

Chris smiled. “It’s not the flu, Ant.” He realized he was lying in his underwear, right in front of the man he had slept with in every possible position. He looked around but couldn’t find a blanket.

“Can I bring you anything?” Anthony asked.

Asking for a blanket felt silly. “I don’t reckon you have any Advil in that closet-sized basket of yours.”

Anthony opened his basket and pulled out a bottle of Advil like Mary Poppins. “Ethan asked me to bring it.”

“Bless you.”

Anthony brought him a glass of water, and Chris hurried to swallow two beautiful pills.

“So,” Anthony said from where he was sitting on the living room table. A small tear in his faded jeans revealed part of his tan knee. “Did you and Jay have fun last night?”

It was easier to play along. “From what I remember, yes.”

“Sweet. I’m happy you two are okay now.”

“Yeah, it’s great.” He reached for his phone. “Check this out.” He found the photo Ethan had sent him and showed it to Anthony.

“Who’s that?”

“Look closely.”

Anthony’s eyes moved from Chris to the photo. “Is this you?”


Anthony took the phone. “I thought you didn’t have photos from your childhood.”

“Ethan found it.”

“Oh, wow.” Anthony smiled at the photo. “You were so cute!”

“I know, right? Minus the missing tooth.”

“Nah, that’s the cutest part. Guess I know who to go to for help with spelling.”

Chris laughed and took back his phone. He had an urge to share his precious photo with the entire world.

Ethan got out of the bathroom, his light-brown hair still damp. He only wore a red towel around his waist, which hung low and revealed his sharp hip bones. He’d never been muscular, rather naturally lean. These days, he was growing a little beard, and it was shaping up nicely.

Chris caught the mixture of lust and affection in Anthony’s eyes. An unpleasant pang of jealousy hit his chest, followed by guilt. He loved Melissa, but they had been together for years and rarely looked at each other with such intensity.

“Good morning,” Anthony said. “I gave him the Advil. Oh, and he looks so adorable!”
