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Thatdidsound like something Chris could get angry over. “What is it?”

Ethan reached for his phone. “Remember how you don’t have photos from your childhood?”

That was the last thing he expected to hear. “Yeah...”

Ethan moved the phone in front of Chris’s face. “You do now.”

With a scowl, Chris took the phone and squinted at the smiling boy who was holding a small trophy. The sign in the background read,“Hartford’s 2002 spelling bee championship!”

“That’s... me.” His hand started to shake. He’d completely forgotten about the day he had beaten five older kids in a spelling bee. All the other kids had their parents cheering in the crowd, and he had two of his friends from the group home there. They made a racket when he won. Now, he couldn’t remember their faces.

“You were ten,” Ethan said. “It says you were the youngest winner in twenty years.”

Chris vaguely remembered something about that, but he fully remembered the celebration Mr. David had thrown for him later that evening. There was a huge chocolate cake for all the kids, and for one evening Chris—Daniel—had been their hero.

That hero was later led to Mr. David’s bedroom despite having a stomachache from too much cake.

Chris blinked, fighting both tears and memories. He watched himself smiling to the camera, one tooth missing at the front of his mouth. He had a small blue tie he remembered being proud of, feeling like a grown-up.

“Thank you.” The words felt small for such a precious gift.

Ethan took his phone back. “I’ll send it to you. I have a feeling Melissa will hang it on the wall.”

Chris smiled. “On every single wall. She hates that I don’t have photos from my childhood.”

“You do now, spelling bee champion.” Ethan cleared his throat. “In other news... I’ve decided to bottom for Anthony.”

Chris raised his head to look at Ethan. “Oh, wow.”

“I know, right? Seems only fair.”

“He asked you to bottom?”

“Anthony? Come on, he would never. Sometimes it feels like he’s walking on eggshells around me.”

“He’s nervous about messing things up.”

“He told you that?”

“No, but it’s pretty clear.” And like it or not, Chris and Anthony had been in a twisted relationship for months, where he learned to read Anthony better than he had in their many years of friendship. “Once he feels more secure about you two, he’ll be more relaxed. But don’t do anything you’re not ready to, even for Anthony.”

“I know. I want this. I think. Hmm, do you mind giving me some tips?”

Because I’m the expert in taking it up the ass?Chris forced himself to calm down. It was a reasonable request considering the “talent” he had demonstrated at the cabin.

“Okay, but can we do it when I’m done with this hangover?”

“Yeah, of course. Come on, let’s get up before Anthony gets here.”

Still feeling like a used rag, Chris forced himself to get out of bed.


Ethan made him a strong coffee, but unfortunately, didn’t have any Advil.

Chris lay on the couch, still in his underwear, waiting for Ethan to finish taking a shower so he could take one as well. Based on the sun rays coming through the window, it was going to be a beautiful day. That last winter had been so long, it seemed it would last the whole year.

Chris texted Melissa that he was okay and sorry for not coming home. He should have called her instead, but the twins would have wanted to speak with him, and their shrieks would have worsened his headache. Father of the year he was.
