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Mickey laughed. “Thank God you’re not a lawyer. I was only joking. Chris won’t be able to come tonight because of a family thing, and toys are only allowed to come with their owners.”

It was ridiculous how relieved he felt. “Okay.”

“However, I could check if there might be room for making an exception in your case. Would you like me to do that for you, Anthony? If so, you mustn’t let Chris know.”

It wasn’t clear to Anthony what Mickey had to gain from helping, but it honestly didn’t matter. Despite his doubts about returning to the club so soon, his body had zero objections.

“Yes,” he said. “Please check.”




He’s going to kill me.

That was the only thing Chris could think of as he rushed between Manhattan’s crowded streets toward his destination. He had planned to call an Uber, but a traffic jam he couldn’t have anticipated forced him to change his plans at the last minute. He ran like a madman, his lungs on fire and his clothes soaked in sweat. He would likely make it just before the guy—he refused to think of him as a client—arrives.

Finally, he reached the building and ran up the stairs to the third floor. He caught his breath and knocked on the door to Apartment 14. His annoying Apple Watch alerted him to his rapid pulse, as if he couldn’t figure it out on his own. The door flew open, and Jay’s hand shot forward, grabbing Chris’s shirt and pulling him inside.

“There was a traffic jam. I had to—”

Jay slapped him. “Shut up. Are you clean?”

With his right ear ringing, Chris said, “No.”

Jay growled, “Idiot. I told him to be a few minutes late, but you better get ready quickly.Go!”

Chris almost missed his footing on his way to the bathroom when he attempted to take off his pants while walking. He hopped into the shower and started the water, grimacing when the freezing drops hit his skin. He waited for the temperature to warm, then started getting himself ready. There was no time for full anal douching, but he’d barely eaten today. He shoved his finger into his hole to let warm water slip inside.

In the hallway, Jay said things that were likely threats, but the current drowned out most of them. Chris twisted his wet finger inside, trying to reach as many areas as he could. He almost slipped when Jay suddenly yanked aside the curtain. “Well?”

He pulled his finger out and stopped the water. “I’m done.”

“Get dry and meet me in the bedroom.”

One minute later, Chris stepped into the single bedroom where Jay waited with the leather mask. He placed it around Chris’s head and zipped it tight. Although his mouth and nose weren’t covered, he tended to get dizzy after a while in that unpleasant thing. He couldn’t complain, though, since he had been the one who insisted on having his face covered at all times. His eyes also remained uncovered so he could spot possible danger.

“He wants you tied down.” Jay pushed Chris down on the bed and tied his hands to the headboard with rope. “Spread your legs.”

Chris did, and Jay opened the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a bottle of lube. He squirted some on his finger, then slid that finger inside Chris’s hole.

“Did you get his blood tests?” Chris asked, shifting uncomfortably with the rough movement inside him.

“No, but I told him to use a condom.”

“He might have other things.”

“He’s too rich for that.”

It doesn’t work like that.Chris lived in constant dread of unintentionally passing something over to Melissa. He had been taking every precaution he could think of, but nothing was certain.

“He asked if he could hit you,” Jay said. “I told him the usual, to not leave bruises and to stay away from your face.”

Those into hitting were the riskiest. They could easily lose themselves and end up sending too many punches. Like he could read Chris’s thoughts, Jay asked, “What’s the safe word?”

“Fire.” He had used that word twice so far, and despite Jay’s hatred for him, it only took him five seconds to burst into the room.

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