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He smiled and squeezed Chris’s hand.

“No, nope, not happening.” Mickey appeared like an evil genie. He leaned his face between them and hissed, “You’re fucking this up.”

“He needed air.”

“I don’t care if he needed to give birth—donotbreak character. Now, get your ass back there and start behaving. We were on a roll.” He glared at Chris until he nodded and walked away. Before Anthony could move, Mickey grabbed his hand. “If you sabotage this night for him, I will haunt you until you have nothing left.”

There was no point responding since Mickey had already turned away and left, knowing that Anthony would follow.


Chris made sure they walked in less crowded areas, even when Mickey tried to steer them another way. Anthony began to notice more sexual activities as time went on. Members touched the toys more aggressively, occasionally leading them to one of the rooms on the second floor. He almost lost his footing at the sight of a toy lying on a table with five men sitting around him. All were touching freely, with one of them shoving things into the young man who seemed in pain. When he tried to wriggle away, the men kept him firmly in place, making him drink something that almost instantly caused him to stop struggling.

“Look sharp, you two,” Mickey said when they got closer to the end of the club. “Those guys are Tobias and Oscar. They run this place. Be ready to impress.”

“Ready,” Chris said, all traces of nervousness already gone.

Mickey patted his back. “I knew you were meant for this place.”

The two sitting men watched them approaching curiously. The one on the right was as tan as Anthony, while the one next to him was very pale. Both seemed to be middle-aged.

Mickey cleared his throat. “Tobias, Oscar, this is the one I told you about, Chris Roberts.”

“Huh.” Tobias, the tan one, nodded. “The rising star.” A bit of gray decorated the sides of his short hair, his eagle nose complementing his sharp features.

“Adashingrising star.” Oscar was stockier, his dark hair glittering with too much gel. His round, smooth face resembled a man-sized child. The white suit he wore looked out of place amidst the sea of black, likely on purpose.

“Is this your first time in our humble establishment?” Oscar asked Chris, his voice reminding Anthony of a purring cat.

“Yes, but hopefully not the last.”

“My, I will take it as a personal insult if you don’t return.” Oscar tapped the space next to him on the couch. “Come, sit. You must feel overwhelmed.”

Chris sat next to him. “It’s a lot, but I like what I see.”

“We worked hard to turn this place around,” Oscar said. “It used to have different management ten years ago before we swooped in to save it from collapsing. They didn’t even have toys back then! Can you believe it? Tobias is the true wizard of the operation, while I’m the generous patron.”

“An investment you’ve earned back tenfold.” Tobias looked at Anthony as he spoke, as if they were the ones in conversation. There was a subtle Mediterranean accent in his voice.

Mickey sat on the other side of the couch. “I forgot to introduce the other new addition I invited tonight. This fine Italian stock is Anthony.”

“Is he yours?” Tobias asked Chris.


“TobiaslovesItalian men,” Oscar told Chris. “He’s Greek himself, which is almost the same.”

“It isnotalmostthe same, and I’m sure there’s a fascinating story behind how you captured this man, Mr. Roberts.” Tobias’s eyes remained glued to Anthony, who was becoming even more self-aware.

Chris shifted on the couch. “If you play your cards right, I might tell you the story one day.”

Oscar laughed and leaned closer to Chris. “I could immediately tell you were a tease. Mickey, you outdid yourself with these new guests.”

“I, too, am good at capturing things.”

Tobias blinked in what seemed like the first time in minutes. “May I borrow your toy, Mr. Roberts?”

Chris seemed startled. “I… well, since this is our first time here, I was thinking we shouldn’t—”

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