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“Only a few, and not on all nights. Some of the male toys are put in women’s clothes.” Mickey squinted at Anthony. “A corset might work nicely on this one.”

God no.

“I’ll find him some underwear.” Chris went to look.

“We need to talk rules,” Mickey said and pointed to the floor in front of him. “On your knees.”

With a resigned sigh, Anthony sank to the floor. He hated staying like that for more than a few minutes since his knees weren’t as strong as they used to be.

“Sit normally, Ant,” Chris said from the other side of the room.

Mickey rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t need you to mother him.”

“It hurts his knees.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. You’re going to mess this up, Roberts, I can tell.”

Chris came back, holding red underwear that looked more like skinny shorts. “He’s my toy, right? I can decide how the hell I want him to sit. Anthony, on your ass, and put this on.”

“Yes, sir.” Anthony took the underwear, holding back a smile. Chris was clearly trying to walk the fine line between following Mickey’s lead and not being a dick.

The underwear sat tightly, reminding Anthony of being back inside the cage. But at least he wasn’t naked. This was more like a slutty Halloween costume.

Once he was back sitting on his ass with his legs crossed, Mickey said, “You will walk half a step behind Chris at all times. If he decides to send you away with other club members, you will go and follow their instructions. Am I clear?”


Mickey tapped his knees impatiently.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. You will likely be touched throughout the night by people you don’t know. They will not ask for permission since it is their right to enjoy the entertainment, and it is Chris’s obligation to share his toy with his equals.”

“What if I don’t want someone touching him?” Chris asked, his hand resting on Anthony’s head, fingers moving between his short curls.

“You better have a damn good reason for that.” Mickey locked his eyes with Anthony. “From now on, your modesty is irrelevant. All that matters is keeping the people out there satisfied and your owner proud. You both don’t want to be here, but frankly, no one gives a shit. You have roles to play, and I’ll be watching you closely. Don’t let me down.” He stood up and straightened his suit. “Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?”


The club was what Anthony had expected and what he feared. Everything seemed high-class and stylish, the kind of place he had nothing to do with. Rich-looking men were holding drinks and mingling around a spacious space with two floors. A bar was located in the middle of the ground floor, where shirtless men and one topless woman made drinks while smiling flirtatiously. The classical music added a feeling of aristocracy to the whole thing.

And then there was the view. Anthony gawked in awe at the sight of New York spread all around them. Some of the skyscrapers seemed small enough to be pieces in a board game. In front of him, Mickey walked with confidence as he introduced Chris to other suit-wearing men. Chris seemed nervous during the first few introductions but quickly grew more confident. It must have helped to have Mickey introducing him as an“Up-and-coming star.”

So far, Anthony had only endured light touches by strangers, nothing that challenged his self-control. What did unnerve him was the other men who walked around with collars around their necks, specifically the hollowness in their eyes. He suspected drugs were in play. He had a strict policy against substance use, although he also had one against embarrassing himself in public, yet here he was.

At some point, they entered a crowd of people, and Anthony found himself in the midst of dozens of men. They were talking loudly, laughing and drinking, with some groping him freely and pinching his skin.I don’t like this. Not enough air reached his lungs, and no matter where he looked, there were more faces of strangers. Sweat broke out across his skin.I need to get out of here. I need to—

Someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him away. He bumped into people because he couldn’t open his eyes and breathe at the same time. A few seconds later, his bare back rested against a cold wall. The sound of conversations wasn’t so loud now. With a deep exhale, he cracked open his eyes to see Chris looking at him with concern.

“Did I make a scene?” A bit of pain still lingered in his chest.

“I don’t think anyone noticed. Hey, I need water here.” A passing waiter handed Chris a bottle of water, and he gave it to Anthony, who drank most of the bottle.

“Let me know if something like this happens again,” Chris said. “I know you don’t like crowds.”

“It happened very fast, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Chris moved closer with his mouth next to Anthony’s ear. “Don’t let the crap Mickey said get into your head. You’re not my toy, you’re my friend.” He kissed his neck. “My Anthony.”

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