Page 63 of Kisses Like Rain

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“You didn’t answer my question about the lieutenant.”

“There’s nothing to say.”

“Toma said your men intercepted him.”

“Did they?” My reply is curt. “He never set foot on my property.”


Did I detect the slightest hint of disappointment in that expression of understanding?

“What about Sabella?” he asks.

My voice turns glacial. “What about her?” Like I told him, my wife is none of his fucking business.

“Did she go through with it?”

“With what?” I ask, gritting my teeth.

“With the deal. Did she give him information? Toma said they spoke outside.”

Toma isn’t privy to the fact that I used a drone. Since Toma’s slip-up in mentioning that my niece showed up at the new house, I’m sharing information with my cousins on a need-to-know basis.

“The matter doesn’t concern you,” I say.

“We have a right to know, Angelo.”

My uncle’s persistent curiosity is getting on my nerves. “Discussing my wife is off-limits. I thought I made myself clear.”

“If you don’t want to tell me, I can only assume things went south. Did you interrogate Lavigne? Is that how you know what went down?”

“Why are you so interested in my wife’s reply?”

“Aren’t we part of the business?”

“Exactly,” I bite out. “You’re a part of the business. I’m at the head of it. Do you need a reminder?”

“Don’t be so touchy, nephew. I have our best interests at heart.” He pauses before adding with an air of gravity, “If she betrayed you, you know what must be done. Don’t think with your dick, son. Use your head like your father taught you.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll do exactly as my father taught me.”

“Good.” Uncertainty rides on his words. “Do you need help with cleanup?”

He’s fishing for information on what I did with Lavigne. I don’t take the bait. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

“This better not lead back to you.”

Yeah. People are going to wonder where the lieutenant is, but there’s no proof he arrived at his destination. There’s no evidence that he’s been on my property. My men got rid of his rented car. It’s lying at the bottom of a cliff a good few hundred meters under the sea.

“He’s not a common criminal or an insignificant figure,” Uncle Nico continues. “He’s a high-ranking police official.”

“Thanks for pointing that out.” My tone is dry. “I wasn’t aware.”

“Be serious, Angelo. This is not an issue to joke about.”

“I can guarantee you I never joke where my wife is concerned.”

He sighs. “Just keep me posted. I want what’s best for you.”
