Page 77 of Patchwork Pixie

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Marshall snorted with laughter and took a photo of her holding up the sign that said,Go, Sports!

They settled in and watched their third doing what he loved doing.

Marshall got her some iced tea, and together, they watched the first period while eating snacks. She asked him, “Is he doing good?”

“He’s doing very well.” Marshall chuckled. “Do you really not watch sports?”

“Nope. I never saw the point. I understand the attraction, but it never appealed to me.” She watched the second period resume and leaned against Marshall. “So, a puck bunny is my new occupation, huh?”

“How do you know that term?” His tone was lightly curious.

“I read a lot of romance novels.” She shrugged. “All kinds. There had to be better men out there than the ones I found.” She smiled and looked at him. “I will let you know my opinion of you tomorrow.”

He grinned. “Can I ask which books you have been reading so that I can guess your expectations?”

She laughed and brought up her app on her phone. “Don’t worry about the blue guys; I am not into cold weather.”

He snorted and started in on the one that was about blackmail, legal representation, and an alpha in rut.

She smirked, and when there were five minutes to go in the second period, she removed her shirt and reached for the bag. The scent of sweaty Rayden hit her, and she groaned. She pulled the jersey on and breathed shallowly.

“Come here, Ruby.”

She grumbled and looked at the city’s logo on her chest. She crept over to him and put her head against his chest. Her focus was on keeping the throbbing between her thighs to a minimum.

“How are you feeling?”

“Gradually more distracted by every passing minute.” She spoke through gritted teeth.

He stroked her cheek and checked her eyes. “Yeah, that’s going to distract the hell out of him. I am just going to fuss with you for a moment. Okay?”

She nodded, and he coached her into a position with her hair draped over one shoulder and her ears fully displayed.

A call rattled Marshall’s phone, and he answered. “Yes, she’s here. Yes, she’s willing to talk to him.”

Marshall muted the television as he handed the phone over to her, and she smiled at the stranger.

“Hello, Miss Lest. We thought to have a little surprise for Rayden’s birthday, so when he casually mentioned that he had a mate, I thought it would be great to have you wish him Happy Birthday in front of everyone.”

“I am going to give him such a wedgie.”

Marshall chuckled, and she flipped him off.

“Fine, I will wish him Happy Birthday. How long do we have?”

“I am going to hand you over right about now.”

She saw her face on the big screen on the television, and she looked down to see a stunned Rayden looking at her. “So, Rayden, apparently, it is your birthday.”

He looked at her. “You are wearing my shirt.”

“Did you get slammed into the boards?” She grinned. She relaxed the control that was stopping her from kicking into a full heat. She could see that her eyes were glowing.

“Yeah. A few times. You are wearing my shirt.”

“Yes. Happy Birthday, Rayden.”

He looked at her through the phone and went from dark-skinned to black and bronze. “How are you feeling, princess?”

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