Page 29 of Crash & Burn

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I pour myself a cup of coffee from the breakfast buffet and follow Jax to a table in the corner of the hotel lobby.

“So,tell me about your night.” I figure Jax’s evening was far more exciting than mine.

“Listen, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But if I’m being honest, I almost went home with one of the strippers. Five minutes before getting into an Uber with her, I decided vodka and bad decisions weren’t how I wanted this trip to be remembered. Iama professional after all.” Jax laughs as he winks and tips his coffee cup at me.

“Sounds like a hell of a night. You made a viable choice considering this is a business trip,” I add. “And you do know this isn’t Vegas, right?”

“It’s just a saying. But what about you, boss?”

“What about me?” I bring my coffee to my lips and blow.

“I know you’re not into strip clubs and shit. But any pretty ladies keeping you company these days?” Jax asks, but it seems more like he’s baiting me. Like he knows the answer I want to give him;I’m obsessed with my assistant.I could never admit to that though, it goes against my own rules and quite frankly, I’m not even sure how I’d be able to explain it.

“I haven’t been seeing anyone. You know I don’t do relationships.” And I’m not lying.

Jax laughs before he gives me a mischievous look.

“What?” I question defensively.

“You know, you may be cool, calm, and collected ninety percent of the time, but I know when a fine piece of ass catches your eye.”

I feel my lips twitch when he refers to Sterling as a fine piece of ass, assuming he’s caught on to the way I stare at her. Jax doesn’t normally talk like that, so I sense that he’s trying to get a reaction out of me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jaxon.” I sip my drink trying to avoid his dagger-like stare while I insult him by using his full name.

“Cal, I’ve known you a long time. When’s the last time you’ve gotten sucked off? Or laid. Or even had your hand held for that matter?” he asks, and I almost choke on my own saliva. It’s not something I expected him to ask.

“I don’t know. Why does that matter?”

“You don’t know? Well, I do. Would you like to know the answer?” he asks the question as if he’s a teacher and I’m the student. I nod for him to continue.

“Enlighten me.”

“You haven’t had any action since well before you hired that assistant of yours. Which may not seem long in the grand scheme of things but for you, it’s a long time. And I saw the way you looked at her when she walked into the dealership that day. Not to mention the way you acted when I asked her out,” he chuckles.

“Youdiddo that, didn’t you?”

“I did, and I know it pissed you off. And I know that you haven’t let another woman touch you since she walked in. Am I right?”

I think over his assumption, and I don’t want to admit that it’s the truth, but he’s right. I haven’t responded to the usual booty calls or even thought about looking in the direction of another woman. I have been pretty busy on top of that, so Sterling isn’t the sole reason I haven’t gotten laid.

“You may be correct, but-”

“But nothing, Cal. You, my friend, have an infatuation.” He shuffles in his chair and pulls his hands to rest under his chin as he raises a brow at me.

I don’t know how to respond to this. He’s right, but I don’t want him to be.

“Fuck her,” he instructs.

“Excuse me?” I lower my cup to the table while I gauge his expression for context.

“Get her out of your system. Fuck her one time and see if she’s even worth all the trouble you’re going through.”

“That’s extremely shallow, Jax.”

“And nothing you’ve ever done is shallow, Callan? It’s not that big of a deal,” he jokes.

“You know that I can’t break policy.” Not only that but allowing myself to fulfill this fantasy I have of her, I’d hurt her. I really can’t have a relationship. And part of me knows that Sterling doesn’t want to be the one-and-done kind of girl. She deserves better than that. It would be too much for her.
