Page 10 of The Hidden Hunter

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"There's more where that came from now. Lose those jeans," Archer commanded, and Kevin dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them to stand completely naked and ready.

Archer kept his eyes trained on Kevin's and did the same, dropping his pants and stepping out of them. "Come here." He said in a voice several octaves deeper than usual, and Archer already had a deep voice, so this was sexy as hell. Kevin took first one step and then another, moving in a way to accent what he had to offer, and Archer was quick to respond.

He took Kevin by the waist and picked him up, tossing him backward onto the bed, where he bounced twice before settling into the thick comforter. He couldn't stop the giggle that passed his lips. It was so unmanly, but it came from a part of him that had been long suppressed for more years than he could count. No one ever made him giggle, but Archer was capable of so many things, and Kevin was eager to explore them all.

Archer got on the bed, and with a precision that was expected from a man like him, he positioned himself on top of Kevin and inserted his knee between Kevin's legs, effectively making room for himself. It was then that Kevin noticed Archer had a condom and lube in his hand, which he set on the bed next to him. "I love a man who is prepared." He said and saw Archer's eyes intensify in a way that seared into his soul.

Archer's hands were everywhere at once, and his kisses were sending Kevin into a sensual daze, his body sharply responding to every touch. Archer had his hand under Kevin, tilting him upward and working his hole forcefully but also with tenderness and affection. It was exciting and lovely. Only Archer could achieve such a dichotomy of sensations.

"Relax, baby, open for me." He whispered into Kevin's ear, and Kevin didn't even realize he'd tensed up. Kevin released the breath he was holding and channeled what Archer was giving him. He leaned into the feeling and let go completely. Archer plunged two fingers inside and began a rhythm of stretching and heated thrusts. His breath played around Kevin's neck and shoulder, building a craving and desire that could not be satisfied.

Kevin reached for him, pulling at his shoulders and rubbing their bodies together, searching for the heat that Archer was building. His fingers plunged deep, and now it was three. "I'm ready, I'm ready." He told him, but Archer continued to thrust and stretch until he was satisfied that Kevin was prepared.

He watched him slip on the condom, and the sight was beyond titillating. Archer's cock was hard and leaking, and Kevin couldn't wait to have it inside of him, filling him and bringing him the pleasure he craved. He used the lube liberally, making sure that everything slid perfectly.

Archer had to constantly stop himself from plunging inside and claiming this gorgeous man as his own. This was them getting to know one another and was not the time for marking and claiming. His vampire nature was agitated and pushing to take him and take him completely. Archer wanted that too, but Kevin was an uninitiated human and not in the head space to handle a vampire claiming right now.

That pleasure would come later, but not too much later. He removed his fingers and prepared himself to take his beloved. The condom was unfortunate but necessary for the trust he was cultivating with Kevin. To feel the silky walls of Kevin's channel would have been ideal, but this would be close, for there was nothing about his beloved that was not amazing.

Archer covered his cock in lube and grabbed Kevin by the shoulders, and plunged inside, going to the base in one thrust. He closed his eyes and moaned at the sudden heat and electricity that shot through him. This was his beloved with a condom, and he could not wait to experience him without the barrier.

Kevin wrapped his legs around Archer's hips and rode him as Archer repeatedly thrust inside, building the friction and thrill that would take them both over the edge. Archer wanted to give Kevin everything he wanted and more, and going by the pants and moans, he was confident in his success.

"I'm coming." Kevin grasped and gripped Archer tighter. Archer reached down between them and began stroking Kevin's hard weeping cock in time with his own thrusts, and Kevin trembled so beautifully.

"Yes, yes, give it to me, Kevin." He encouraged his beloved to let it all go. Archer felt his own climax cresting and plunged deep and exploded in the depths of Kevin's velvety embrace, filling the condom full. Kevin came at the same time, covering Archer's hand with his warm essence.

The moment was so charged that Archer could not resist dropping and tucking his face in the crook of Kevin's neck and sinking his teeth in just a bit, taking only a taste to kick start their bond. The connection flared, and Archer could see their lives and their souls coming together. His vampire nature was on full display, with his eyes blood red and his face taking on the fierce angles of an apex predator.

Kevin's eyes were closed, and he was lost in the pleasure of the moment, as was Archer. His legs tightened around Archer as they both finished, and the room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking.

They did not speak for several minutes. Archer licked the wound closed and settled on top of Kevin, still firmly seated inside and not ready yet to pull out. Kevin kissed him on the cheek, and Archer returned the gesture, and soon they were in a clutch, all lips and hands and need. After another few minutes, they settled, and Archer carefully pulled out and disposed of the condom before relaxing next to his beloved.

"That was quite nice," Kevin stated and turned toward Archer.

"That was epic." Archer corrected, and Kevin smiled.

“That was epic.” He agreed.


Kevin touched the base of his neck, where it connected to his shoulder, and felt the spot where Archer had bitten him. It surprised him at the time, but he did not demure and found the experience rather thrilling, to be honest. He never thought he was the type to enjoy being bitten, but Archer's little nip really added to the encounter. He smiled and looked over at Archer, sleeping beside him with his arm lying possessively across Kevin's chest.

They had washed up and then fell back into bed, both feeling a little tired after the day they'd had. Archer offered to get him something to eat, but Kevin was not the least bit hungry. Johnny had stopped by to check on them about an hour ago and then headed back out. Kevin wasn't sure how he'd gotten inside, but Johnny was a resourceful cat. He reached up and ran his fingers through Archer's hair, and the man opened his eyes.

He took Kevin's hand in his and gently kissed the palm while keeping his eyes trained on Kevin. "This is just the beginning, Kevin." Archer's voice was deep, and the sound rippled across Kevin's senses.

“You think we have a future?”

"We are meant for one another. It is written in the stars." Archer told him, and he did not sound the least bit sarcastic. His eyes held a passion and a promise that made his words true and serious.

“All I can offer you is a cabin in the woods.” Kevin decided to play along.

"All I need is you." Kevin didn't know where to go with that and wasn't prepared to go deep, so they left it there and did not comment. Archer pulled him into his arms, cradling Kevin's head on his shoulder, and covered them with a blanket from the foot of the bed. Kevin cuddled in and allowed himself to snuggle with this man he barely knew but would give anything to have as his own. "All I need is you, baby." He repeated, and they settled in together.

Kevin found his mind wandering from his current problems to the enigma that was Archer Quinn. The longer he stayed in the man's company, the more he loathed the very idea of ever leaving him. He smiled at himself for falling so hard for a man who was so far out of his league. Snuggling a little closer, he took a deep breath, breathing in the distinctive aroma that was Archer. It filled him with a sense of security and, dare he say it . . . love and acceptance.

What he was feeling was totally insane and probably a side effect of having his life fall apart and losing everything. Holding onto a savior like Archer made sense, but the longevity of the relationship was unlikely. He glanced up at the man holding him and tried to understand what was happening.
