Page 41 of Holiday Intrusion

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Adam points at our son. “I told you he was hungry. You feed the beast, I’ll make us some hot cocoa and light the fireplace.”

“He wasn’t hungry three seconds ago,” I protest, but Adam’s already headed for the kitchen, leaving me behind with our shrieking child.

“You really need to stop proving him right. He becomes absolutely insufferable,” I mutter to Jake as I wrangle my already leaking breasts out of the nursing bra and offer him a nipple.

When Adam returns with two steaming mugs of hot cocoa topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon, I’m against the backrest, soft blankets pooled around my waist and with a content baby attached to my breast.

My alpha’s eyes soften as he takes us in. “I’ll never get tired of this,” he murmurs. “My mate nursing my son. There’s nothing more I want in life than moments like these.”

“It’s pretty magical,” I agree, a loving smile playing on my lips as I look down at Jake. “Right up until he spits up all over me.”

“You manage to make even baby sick-up look enchanting, my love.” Adam bends to brush his lips against my scalp before he places the mugs of cocoa on the coffee table, then proceeds to light the fireplace. The crackle of burning wood fills the air, and soon the soft glow of candles joins the cozy ambiance as Adam lights several around the room, along with the fairy lights on the large Christmas tree, then switches off the overhead lighting.

“Got a preference on a movie?” he asks, grabbing the remote.

“Hmm… let’s doChristmas with the Kranks. Something lighthearted and silly.”

“As you wish, darling.” Adam selects the movie, then climbs underneath the blankets with me and wraps his arms around my shoulder, gently tipping me in so I can rest against his chest. Jake, who’s used to such maneuvers, doesn’t so much as pause his nursing.

I snuggle closer to Adam, blissful all the way into my soul as we settle in. I really can’t believe this is my life.

Some people might assume that the main perk of mating and marrying a billionaire is the fancy lifestyle and expensive gifts—and don’t get me wrong, I’m spoiled as spoiled can be—but that’s not the reason my life is perfect.

It’shim. It’s how completely he loves me, how completely he’s given himself to me. Only a year ago, I was too tired, worn-out, and borderline depressed to even consider that I could have all the warmth and love and belonging I longed for. But since Adam’s come into my life, it’s been overflowing with all of it. I’m his now—I wear his mark on my neck, his bond in my heart, and his son on my chest. But he’s mine too.

And I will never get enough of these quiet, private moments where my heart feels so full it’s threatening to overflow.

Our cozy family moment lasts until I try to switch Jake to my other breast and get a flailing baby fist to my boob in retaliation.

“Ow! Come on, I hate when you leave me lopsided,” I complain at my infant, who’s decided that today, my right breast is the devil itself, and he’s full anyway,thank you very much, Mother.

“I’ve got him,” Adam says, amusement dancing in his eyes. He pauses the movie, scoops Jake out of my embrace, and takes my fussy hellspawn off to burp and be put down for a milk-induced coma.

I give my poor, bloated right breast a sad look before I climb off the couch to fetch my pump.

I’ve only just gotten the device attached when Adam returnssansbaby.

“Went down without a fight today?” I ask.

“Like the angel he is,” my mate confirms as he slips back under the blankets with me.

“Angel?”I snort. “Would an angel treat his own mother like one of her tits are poisoned?I don’t think so.”

Adam grins at my theatrics, his eyes darting to the pump. “Is it uncomfortable?”

“Eh. It’s better than being left full. But it makes me feel like a dairy cow,” I grumble. “Andveryunappreciated, I might add.”

“My poor darling. You’re so very appreciated. And our son will come to be grateful for all that you do for him one day, I promise.” He reaches out to cup my cheek. “But for now, why don’t you let me help you ease the burden?”

I’m about to ask him what he means when he deftly reaches over to flick off the pump and detach the flange from my nipple. He flicks his eyes to mine, and in them I see dark, smoldering intensity. It’s not desire—not exactly. It’s something much deeper, something even more primal than lust, and it sends fire up my spine.

“Adam,” I whisper.

“I was younger than Jake is now, just over a month old, when my brother and I were orphaned,” he says softly. “When I tell you it touches something deep in me when I see you care for and nurture our son, I mean it goes into the very foundation of my soul. To see you so lovingly give him what I never had… I don’t have the words to describe what it does to me. The wounds it heals.”

“Oh, Adam. I’m so sorry. To lose your parents so young…” My heart aches for him. He’s never mentioned his parents, and his brother only once or twice in passing, and I have wondered why. Now I know. From day one, my mate has gone to great lengths to show me his strength, his unwavering ability to be my rock, my foundation. This admission… Outside of the tears he shed when I brought Jake into the world, it’s the first time he’s truly shown me vulnerability.

“I won’t pretend it didn’t leave a mark on me beyond what I was ready to acknowledge, even to myself. But now, with you, with Jake… I’ve found what was taken from me.” He gives me a tender look, then flicks his gaze to my breast.

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