Page 17 of Holiday Intrusion

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“Eve.”My name rumbles out of his chest with all the reverence of a prayer. Groaning again, he presses his lips to my ear. “I’ve never… I never thought…fuck.”

My only response is a whimper.

“I know, baby girl. Just breathe. Relax your pussy. This is what you were born to do.”

Easy for him to say. I bare my teeth, wanting to snarl at him, but all that escapes me are hard gasps. I lie there, spread and vanquished so completely I feel him all the way into my bones.

But despite the impossible fit, despite how no woman should be able to enjoy this, somehow… somehow, I do. Through the cocktail of adrenaline and endorphins, I have the hazy thought that maybe he’s right. Though my pussy aches from the strain and my pelvis is opened much too wide, I’m taking him. Completely. And it feels… It feels…

A low moan escapes my throat when deep tendrils of pleasure crawl up my thighs and sink through the screaming of angry nerves.Oh, god.It feelsgood.

“That’s it. Good girl.” His warm lips brush my jawline, then my mouth, followed by his large hand briefly cupping my breast. He rests his forehead against mine, groaning softly. “God… You’re not supposed to feel like this.” He pulls back to look down at me, and there’s shock and awe in his lust-hazy eyes.

I’m too wrapped up in the physical sensations of his grueling penetration to care. My entire world consists of hot, stretched flesh and the sick, instinctive knowledge that my one purpose in life is to accept this alpha into the depth of my very being. He’s right—this is what I was made for.

For him.

Then he moves. Everything turns white.

I think I’m screaming. I’m not sure. Liquid fire burns through my pelvis, hot andwet.My bones flex, my flesh squelches, and every nerve in my pussy lights up until I can’t think, can’tbreathe.

“M-mis… Mistl… Mistle…!”

His thumb returns to my clit, massaging in time to the agonizingly slow rolls of his hips, and Ibreak.

“Shit! Shit, no! No—oohhhw!”

My climax strikes through me, bright red ribbons slashing through my world of white nothingness. My pussy clamps down tight, forcing him to still his thrusts. I hear him groaning in pained pleasure through the roar of blood in my ears, faintly feel his strong fingers dig into my hips hard enough to bruise, but all my focus is on the pulse of orgasm wrenching me apart from the inside.

I come until every nerve in my body is screaming for mercy, shaking my head in denial as tears spill down my cheeks. It’s too much, too much, I can’t—!

The alpha lets out a strangled,“Fuck!”, one hand releasing my hip to cup my cheek, pulling me into his neck. He withdraws halfway, growling, and then reaches between us with his other hand. Hot, wet spurts of semen coat my fluttering cervix.

My climax fades slowly, leaving behind a warm haze of utter physical and emotional exhaustion underlined by a deep ache where he still fills me so completely.

I blink up blearily at the masked man as he pulls back onto his knees—and then croak in utter shock when my gaze falls to where we’re still joined. He’s got one large hand wrapped firmly around the bottom of his cock, where his knot—oh my fucking god, hisknot—balloons obscenely, forcing his fingers apart.

If I thought his dick was absurd, it’s nothing compared to the absolute horror of his knot. It’s so huge that even this oversized alpha can’t fully contain it in his fist.

A heady cocktail of relief and gratitude floods through me when I realize he made sure to knot outside my body. If he’d forced that ridiculous thing inside me, I would have ripped in two.

The intruder senses my eyes on him and looks up from our joining, catching my gaze in his.

“Eve,” he murmurs, his eyes softening. He releases his knot and slowly, carefully pulls out of me.

I groan as my pussy reluctantly releases him, my flesh swollen and tender. The relief when his wet cockhead finally pulls free is nearly as blissful as the orgasm he forced from me.

“Shh, my precious girl,” he murmurs, gently caressing my cheek. His thumb strokes over my cheekbone as he looks down at me with a tender, yet possessive expression in his unsettling eyes. “You did so well. Just breathe for me.”

I obey on instinct, my body light on endorphins despite the heavy throb between my thighs. Air fills my lungs, and I let out a raspy sigh.

The alpha frowns down at me and gets to his feet. Without a word, he leaves my bedroom.

“W-wait,” I call after him. Is he leaving? I pull on my bindings, desperation trying to make its way through the hormonal fog of bliss. “Wait, don’t go!” I’m still trussed up like a turkey—if he leaves me like this, I’ll—

The wooden floorboards creak under the alpha’s heavy weight as he returns to my bedroom, a glass of water in his hand. He sits down on the bed by my side and gently lifts my head, holding it up as he tips the glass to my lips.

“You think I’d leave you bound and helpless?” he asks, a dark note to his voice.

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