Page 12 of Holiday Intrusion

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His lips are merciless, the suction on my now spent and hypersensitive clit relentless, and the satiation of release quickly flicks to raw, grating overstimulation.

“N-no. Please,” I rasp, trying to shift my pelvis to dislodge the man. “Please, stop, please. It’s too much!”

He growls in response and sucks me harder, flicking his tongue against my quivering clit as if punishing my attempt at severing him from my pussy.

It feels like a whiplash, and I cry out wordlessly and throw my head back against the pillow, fists clenching against the roar of sensation. Again, he flicks my clit, his wet tongue wrapping around the suspended pearl forcing raw, brutal stimulation through the trembling organ and right to my brainstem.

I try to gasp another plea for mercy, but before my mouth can shape the words, my mind goes blank.

I have no comprehension of time. One minute I’m floating in white nothingness—the next I’m once more drowning in heat and firing nerves. I gasp a protest, bracing against the expected torment, but… it feels almost good now; warm and rhythmic stimulation forcing me toward another peak.

I grit my teeth and rock back against his mouth, determined to ride the wave of pleasure rather than get sucked back under by the torrents.

The sounds he makes help—dirty, wet sucking and deep groans of enjoyment drive spikes of exhilaration through my pelvis. His desire for me is so indisputable, so entirely blunt and unapologetic, I can’t help my body’s instinctive response. I’ve never been wanted—no,needed—like this, and it makes some twisted, submissive part of my brain want to give him everything he demands.

“Okay. Okay.” I’m only half-aware of my breathy babbles, my entire focus trapped on my pulsing clit. I clench my hands and squeeze my eyes shut, and focus on the rhythm of the suction—those deep, harsh pulls that go all the way to the root; the tease of his tongue against the tip…Fuck!

“Y-yes!”I wail out my orgasm, hands flexing with instinctive urge to grab onto the source of my pleasure as warm, perfect relief floods through my pelvis, up my spine and down my thighs, leaving my mind blissfully numb to anything but ecstasy for several frantic heartbeats.

When I collapse in a heap of spent nerves and thrumming flesh, he finally—finally—eases off my clit and pushes back up to his knees.

I watch him through hooded lids, too exhausted to feel anything but acceptance at what I know comes next. I’m entirely spent, my desire for sex sated beyond what I knew to be possible, but I know I will have to take him inside of me now. His eyes flame black from pure, animalisticneedas he stares at my splayed and soaking pussy,his wide chest heaving with his labored breaths. Why he isn’t on top of me already, rutting like a wild beast, I don’t understand.

“Fuck.”He groans the word, his deep voice tormented, and leans back in over me. But instead of settling his bulk between my thighs, he reaches across the bed for my nightstand.

Wha—?My muddled brain doesn’t finish the question before he pulls out a heavy length of silicone—and despite my exhausted state, I flush with mortification.

Along with a wand vibrator, I own two dildos. One is perfectly proper; purple, smooth, slim. It’s what I use on nights I need some relief.

The other…

The other is the result of drinking too much wine while reading a particularly spicy Asian webcomic late at night. When it arrived in the mail a week later, I opened the discreet box it shipped in, laughed myself silly, and put it away at the bottom of my closet, untouched.

According to the manufacturer, it’s "the orc chieftain’s mightiest weapon." It’s green, it’s rudely detailed, and it’s so ridiculously huge I had to pay an absolute fortune in shipping. I can’t even close my hand around the damn thing, and in the bright light of sobriety, I had absolutely no intention of putting it anywhere near my poor vagina.

However, the fact that it’s made it from my closet to my nightstand means the intruder has other plans.

My mortification shifts to unease as I eye the monstrosity. It looks less absurdly big in his oversized hand, but it’s still as thick as his wrist.

“Please don’t—not that,” I rasp. “It’s too big.”

The alpha huffs a breath through his nose and moves the ridiculous toy down, aiming its blunt head at my flushed opening. Ignoring my protests entirely.

“No, no, please, I’m serious! I’ve never taken it before—it’s too big. You’ll hurt me!” I squirm on the bed, desperately trying to avoid what I know comes next, but the ribbons keep me in place, unrelenting as ever. “Please, just—just have me yourself. Don’t use that, please! Use… Use your… cock. Please, it’ll feel so much better for you too, right?”

Begging him for his dick is humiliating on an entirely new level, but I’m too desperate to avoid "the Chieftain" to care.

The alpha snorts again and slips two fingers deep into my pussy. He pumps them a few times, and I moan despite myself. When he pulls his digits back out, they’re glossy with my juices.

He wipes my wetness over the head of the dildo and pushes it to my splayed lower lips.

“Don’t worry, baby girl. You’ll get my cockmore times than you can stand. But first, your sweet little pussy needs to learn how to open.”

And with that, he shoves the phallus through my opening.



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