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“Fine.” I sat down on the arm of the couch, hoping it would help me regain my composure and make the urge to punch him disappear. The man was massive, and a vampire murderer on top of that, so there was no way my self-defense skills would be enough to help me win a fight with him. “But I still haven’t agreed to feed you yet.”

“I’ll convince you. Toss me your phone?” He held out his hands, finally free of candy.

I absolutely didn’t want to—and knew it had been blowing up with my best friends’ phone calls—but since he’d been straight-up about how much lust he was feeling, I figured it was better to just throw the phone at him.

He caught it easily, unlocked it after I reluctantly gave him the code, and typed the number quickly before lifting it to his ear. His gaze lingered on me as he grabbed another chunk of toffee, so I turned my head just to avoid more eye contact.

The phone started ringing, and my head jerked toward him.

He’d put it on speaker?

“Don’t want you thinking I’m planning your murder,” he said, flashing me a small grin.

I glared back, though I had to put in effort not to grin.

“Hello?” A smooth, low voice answered the phone.

“It’s me,” Rafael said.

“Rafe’s out,” the other voice called loudly.


It fit him better than Rafael, at least.

“Did he find his female?” another guy asked.

I scoffed.

The disdain in his voice was enough to make me want to punch him, too.

“Yes, I found her. She’s holding me captive in her apartment right now, but eventually I’ll talk her into going back to my place.”

“Have you convinced her to feed you yet?”

“Not really. She’s got fire.”

I’d take that one as a compliment.

“We’ll grab you some groceries and come by to stock your place,” one of the guys said.

“Thanks.” He hung up the phone, glancing down at the screen. His eyes narrowed, the glow in them brightening. “Who the fuck is Miles, and why has he called you a dozen times in the past half hour?”

Rafael assumed Miles was a man. And that I was sleeping with him.

And he was jealous? Seriously? We’d just met.

“Like I said, it’s none of your business who I spend time with.”

“We’re mated, Tater-tot. If you have a boyfriend, you end it now.”

“Why would I end a relationship for a demon who walked into my coffee shop and basically forced me to mate with him?” I shot back.

“I didn’tforceanything.” His smooth voice took on a bit of a growl. I liked the grit in it more than I would admit.

“I was being sarcastic when I agreed, and you know it.”

“I’m not going to apologize for making you mine. Not to you, or your ex,” he all but growled back.
