Page 49 of That's What Love

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“Why didn’t you respond to my text?” I whisper. My heart aches with the fear that I had somehow driven him away, that I had messed everything up.

He doesn’t answer immediately. His eyes lock onto mine and his lips part, as if searching for the right words.

“Did I do something wrong?” I ask.

Eric’s gaze never leaves me, his expression a mixture of understanding and something deeper. His shoulders slump as if the weight of the world rests on them, and finally, he says, “No, Hailey. It’s not you. It was never you.”

His words hang in the air, mingling with the raindrops, and I take a step closer, feeling the warmth of his presence. He continues, his voice soft, “I had to sort out my own feelings. It’s complicated, but one thing I’m sure of is how much I care about you.”

Tears well up in my eyes as I listen to him, his vulnerability stripping away any doubts I carry. I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of my own secrets pressing down on me. It’s time to be honest.

“I need to tell you something,” I admit, my voice shaking with raw emotion. “I’ve been afraid to fully commit to a relationship because of my past, because of my unresolved issues with my father.”

Eric reaches out and gently wipes away a tear that escapes my eye, his touch as soft as his understanding. “Hailey,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity. “I promise you, I’ll stand by your side. We can face your past and your fears together. I care about you more than I can express.”

The weight I’ve carried for so long lifts, and I lean into his comforting presence, feeling a newfound sense of hope. The storm that has been raging within me finally starts to subside.

As the rain continues its relentless downpour, he tenderly cups my face, his eyes shimmering with an intensity that tugs at the deepest recesses of my heart. Without a single word, he closes the gap between us, his lips meeting mine in a kiss so profound, so raw, that it feels like the answer to every question I’d ever dared to ask.

With our hearts beautifully entwined, we are ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead, prepared to make each other’s hearts flutter in pure, unadulterated happiness, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are meant to be together.


The Sunday morningsun streams through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the living room. Eric lays beside me on the couch, our fingers intertwined, as if the night had sealed some unspoken promise between us. After what happened last night, I can’t help but feel closer to him than ever before.

I can’t deny that I was afraid to open up, to let him in completely. My father’s violent outburst still haunts my mind, and I know it has left its mark on Eric as well. But there is something about the way he looks at me, with understanding and empathy, that makes it easier to share my pain.

We spend the day together, just the two of us, in the sanctuary of my living room. It’s as if the world outside doesn’t exist, and it’s just the two of us, trying to piece together our broken lives. As we talk, I find myself telling him more about my past, about the fear that has gripped me for so long. Eric listens, his eyes filled with compassion, never pressing me for details I’m not ready to share.

It’s the first time in a long while that I feel safe enough to talk about the nightmares that haunt me. I shut myself from the emotions that always come up from times like this—hurt, anger, confusion. Whenever the memories start to cloud my mind, I push them away, not wanting to let the pain seep in.

Eric hears the hesitation in my voice and offers a way out. “How about dinner tonight? We could cook something together, or if you prefer, I can order your favorite takeout. We’ll set the table, light some candles, and just enjoy each other’s company.”

The idea sounds enchanting, and a sense of warmth blossoms within me at the thought of sharing an intimate dinner with Eric. “I’d love to,” I reply. “Cooking together sounds fun.”

“In the meantime, would you like to go to the beach? Get some fresh air?” he asks.

“That sounds fun. Could you grab my flip-flops?”

He chuckles. “Where are they?”

“By the front door.”

He retrieves my shoes and brings them back to me. I grab my keys and lock the door behind us.

“You driving?” I ask.

“We are taking a nice walk.”

* * *

The sun bathesthe waves in a beautiful golden light, painting the sea with its warm, gentle touch. I find myself in the company of a man who has shown me so much care and support in such a short span of time. My heart is opening up to someone new, and although it terrifies me, it’s a fear I’m starting to welcome.

As Eric sits beside me on the soft sand, my gaze naturally drifts toward him. His presence beside me feels like a reassuring anchor, grounding me in the uncertainty of my own emotions. As if he can feel my eyes on him, he turns to look at me. When our eyes meet, he greets me with a tender smile. I quickly look toward the ocean, hoping he didn’t catch me admiring him, but it’s too late.

“You don’t need to hide that beautiful face,” he says.

I steal another glance at him, my heart doing a gentle dance in my chest. He’s still looking at me with those kind, confident eyes of his. Eyes that seem to understand the doubts that still linger within me. But there’s something in his gaze that makes me believe it’s okay to be vulnerable. My fingers trace patterns in the warm sand as I gather my courage. “It’s just… I’ve never felt this way before,” I confess in a hushed tone, my voice carrying the weight of my uncertainty.

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