Page 14 of That's What Love

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He nods slowly, his expression understanding. “I get it, Hailey. I don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.”

There’s a genuine sincerity in his words, and it’s both comforting and terrifying. Part of me wants to take that step, to let myself feel something again. But the scars of the past are still tender, a reminder of the pain I’ve endured.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, hesitating for a moment before handing it to him. “Give me your number?” I ask softly, hope and caution in my voice. “Just… give me some time, okay?”

He takes my phone with a nod, his fingers brushing against mine briefly, sending a shiver down my spine. “Of course,” he replies, his voice steady. “We can go at whatever pace you like. Even if it’s only as friends.”

As he enters his number into my phone, a palpable wave of anticipation and excitement surges through me, tingling in every nerve.

He hands my phone back, and I notice a subtle shift in his demeanor. As he takes a step closer, leaning down to whisper in my ear, my heart races with anticipation. “Text me when you’re ready,” he murmurs, his breath brushing against my skin, igniting a complex cocktail of emotions within me.

His breath, warm and tingling, feels both tantalizing and oddly comforting. It carries a hint of seduction that sends a thrilling shiver down my spine. I can’t deny the excitement bubbling within me, a potent mix of desire and intrigue. This pivotal moment, though seemingly anticlimactic on the surface, leaves me teetering on the precipice of something entirely new and electrifying. “Looking forward to it,” I reply as he pulls back to look in my eyes. My heart flutters as our connection lingers.

As he leaves, I close the door behind him and turn the lock. I lean against it for a moment, letting out a deep breath. The café is now quiet. As I reflect on the evening’s events, I can’t help but marvel at the unexpected turn my night took.

“So, Hailey, spill the tea. How are things going with Eric?” Scarlett walks over from the dining area and asks.

I shoot her a look, feeling my cheeks flush with heat. “Seriously?”

“What? You’re finally mingling again! I’ve been waiting for this!” she laughs.


As I standby the hospital window, watching the Monday morning sun cast long shadows across the parking lot, my thoughts are a tangled mess. Two days have gone by since Eric gave me his number, but I haven’t sent a single text.

Turning away from the window, I walk back to my stepdad’s room. Tubes and machines surround him; a constant reminder of the battle he’s fighting. His eyes light up as he sees me enter, his pale face breaking into a faint smile. “Hey there, Hails,” he rasps.

“Hey, Dad,” I reply, trying to sound cheerful despite the lump in my throat. I pull up a chair and sit by his bedside, holding his hand. His grip is weak, but his spirit remains strong.

“So, tell me, what’s been keeping you busy these past couple of days?” he asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He’s always had a knack for reading my emotions, even when I tried to hide them.

I sigh, guilt and exhaustion washing over me. “Just visiting you. You know, making sure you’re not causing too much trouble for the nurses.”

He chuckles, a raspy, breathy sound that somehow is infectious. “Well, you tell those nurses that I’m just adding a bit of excitement to their day.”

We share a laugh, the tension in the room momentarily lifting. Ray has always been the one to find humor in the darkest moments. It is his way of coping, and I admire him for it. But beneath the jokes and the bravado, I can see the pain in his eyes, the worry he is trying to shield me from.

When my cell phone rings, I pull it out of my purse and walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

“Mom?” I ask.

“Hey sweetie, I’m heading over to the hospital now. Do you want me to stop by your place first and bring food?”

“I’m actually at the hospital. Can you bring it here, please?”

“Sure, babe! What would you like to eat?” I can hear her car’s turn signal ticking in the background.

“Just grab a couple cheeseburgers, please,”

“Sure thing! Love you!”

“Love you, too.” I smile and hang the phone up.

Back in the room, Ray is dozing off, his breathing steady. I pull my chair closer to him and take his hand once more.

While waiting for Mom, I decide to scroll through social media for a bit. Everyone is commenting on a post I made wishing Ray well, sending prayers, etc. Many friends and family members are heartbroken that he’s leaving this world. I force my tears back more easily these days. Growing up and being talked to like shit by your own blood father makes you feel stronger.

I hear a knock on the door and turn around to see mom peeking through, a McDonald’s bag in hand.
