Page 31 of The Debt

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I wander back to the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed to watch her sleep, completely peaceful, with no worries on her face. I reach out and sweep a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her face nuzzles into my touch, and the beast inside me growls in appreciation. I have her here, with me, and it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I won’t have her in danger, but I can’t let her live her life with any fear. I won’t have the rest of our lives tainted that way.

My thumb skims the edge of her mouth, and her pink tongue dips out to wet her lips where my pad had just been. I bend down to kiss their fullness, licking along her bottom lip, and when she gasps at my presence, I take advantage of her open mouth and push my tongue inside. My eyes remain on hers as she slowly opens them, awakening fully at my touch, and her arms come around me to hold me tight against her. I continue to kiss her until I need to come up for air.

“Well, this is a nice way to wake up. I could get used to this,” she comments as she stretches her arms over her head.

“Richard called. He has a buyer,” I throw out there. I watch her movements carefully—her stretch stops midway and her eyes grow wide.

“And you’re telling me this why?” she asks, her voice wobbling slightly.

“They have requested to meet tonight to go through with the transaction. You will need to be there, of course, so they see that you’re real. He will no doubt want to examine you to confirm you are indeed worth the money I am asking. Once he gets close enough to touch you, we will kill him and anyone else who is in the room at the time. That’s the only way to send a clear message that no one fucks with Alexander Black.” I reach my hand out to touch her. She looks at my hand with disdain, but doesn’t stop me.

“Okay, so I play the part of someone being sold into slavery. That won’t be too hard since I thought that about you for a while.”

“Rebecca—” I start.

She cuts me off. “Listen to me, this is how it will go. You can’t go killing everyone in the room. I won’t let you have that on your conscience.”

I don’t tell her how many deaths I already have on my hands; it’ll be better if she never finds out just how dark and dangerous I can be. Ideally, she’ll just see the side that comes out in the way she likes; the dominating alpha she loves.

“I won’t have you kill someone for me. There is a tracker in my bracelet, so why don’t we alert the authorities, the FBI, or whoever the equivalent is over here in England. If these men really are trafficking women, then maybe they have a storage compound around here somewhere. Perhaps me being taken could lead to many women being set free.” Her eyes shine with unshed tears.

“You can’t do this, Rebecca. This isn’t the same thing. You are being sold directly to someone. You aren’t being taken somewhere to be prepared for sale.”

“Then call Richard and tell him since one person has offered that amount surely there will be others, that you want an auction. That way I will go to the highest bidder. But keep the reserve at the fifty million pounds.” Her eyes beg me to do as she wants, I can’t refuse, when I love her more than my own life.

I hate to admit it, but she is right. If we do this, though, it will take a few more days to get together, giving me enough time to get the Secret Intelligence Service involved.

“Okay. I’ll contact MI6 and get them to come out and see us so we can get things started. First though, I’ll call Richard back.” I take my phone from my pocket and dial the number in my call list from not even an hour ago.

“Black.” Lexington’s voice is clipped and devoid of emotion.

“Richard, organize an auction instead. If one man is willing to pay the fifty million I want, then surely there are others who will too. I might get more than I was originally asking for.” I wait for his answer.

“I’ll arrange it. Might as well get a few other girls on the same day, make more money that way. Two nights’ time should give me the time I need to organize everything. Same location,” he says before hanging up. I know the large building he wants to have this meeting at, several entrances in and out, but also fairly secluded.

“So, what did he say?” Rebecca’s voice comes from right beside me, where she’s sitting on her ankles, leaning toward me.

“He agreed.”

“When?” she asks, an inquisitive look on her face.

“Two nights’ time.” I reply.

“Well, we had better get planning the best we can. We have to get a lot of ducks in a row before this goes down. I don’t want anything going wrong.” She reaches out for me and cups my face. “It’s going to be okay.” Then she leans in and presses her lips against mine.

“I need you, sweetheart,” I growl.

“I’m all yours.” In between kisses, and since I can’t seem to get my fill of her, I lay her back and take her hard and fast.

Later in the day, two men arrive at our home via my private jet. I am taking every possible precaution to ensure that no one knows I’m talking to Britain’s most elite intelligence agency. Harold shows them into Rebecca’s office at the bottom of the stairs where we are waiting for them.

“Mr. Black, Miss Kennedy, this is Agent Jones and Agent Smith.” Harold introduces us to them both, and we exchange quick hellos and handshakes before sitting down to face each other at the desk. Rebecca remains standing behind me.

“Gentleman, my fiancé and I have asked you here today to discuss incredibly important information and request your assistance with a matter.” Her voice is strong and shows no signs of the fear she is hiding.

Agent Jones nods to Rebecca before addressing me. “Mr. Black, you mentioned on the phone that time was of the essence with this, so what exactly do you need from us?”

“There is a large sex trafficking ring working underground in London, and the man in charge is pretty much untouchable. I was able to arrange a meeting with quite a few of the men who engage in this trade due to their interest in Rebecca here.”

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