Page 128 of Frozen Flames

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“No, it’s even better.” Buster throws our son, Theo, now four, into the air, and then down into the aqua blue water, making him squeal with delight. Our adorable two-year-old daughter, Grace, tweets in her little voice, “Me, me. Uncle Buster, me, now.” She claps her little hands together with excitement.

Named after my father, we thought Theo was a miracle, but when Lily fell pregnant again with Grace, who is named after Lily’s mom, we were in complete shock.

We are so blessed.

Lorna, the fertility specialist, didn’t just work her magic once, or twice but—

“I think this little one is playing hockey with my kidneys.” Lily rubs her swollen belly.

—three times.

Reducing Lily’s stress levels, focusing on her nutrition and overall well-being was the key we needed to conceive. The anxiety of falling pregnant was consuming her before and taking the holistic approach supported Lily completely; it was magic. All of it.

Smiling, I push my sunglasses up my nose. “It might be another girl.”

“Nope, it’s a boy,” she says confidently.

She’s probably right. She was on the money with both Theo and Grace.

Sun-kissed and looking more beautiful with each year that passes, I reach over and rest my hand on her moving stomach. “That’s his butt.” Lily laughs, laying her hand over mine.

“Or a foot,” I suggest. Whatever it is, it’s incredible and always makes me feel like a first-time dad all over again.

Gemma jumps into the pool, swims over to Buster, and jumps onto his back.

“When do you think those two will finally get together?” I ask Lily.

“As soon as your other friend, Leon, confesses that he’s in love with your sister.” Doing nothing to hide her amusement, her lips pull to the side.

“Erika isn’t interested in Leon,” I scoff. “And Leon isn’t in love with Erika.”

Lily pushes her sunglasses onto the top of her head and quirks a brow. “Are you sure about that?”

“Erika has a boyfriend, she’s not interested in Leon,” I state. He’s a fucking douche canoe and she could do so much better than Mr. I’m Getting a Record Deal soon. Although, I can’t see that happening. Not ever. Trust me, we were invited to his open mic night, and I cringed through every note he couldn’t hit.

Lily swivels around to face me and sits upright, cross legged. Her belly sticking out in front of her, she looks like she swallowed a beach ball. “Admit it. Had it not been for you, Leon and Erika would be together.”

“That’s not true.” I lift my cold bottle of water to my lips and take a glug.

“Ash, you warn Leon away from Erika at every opportunity. Have you ever wondered why Leon hasn’t had a girlfriend in, what is it, eight years?”

“It’s not because of me.” I feel oddly sweaty, and it’s not from the heat of the scorching sun.

Her brows shoot up into her hairline. “It has everything to do with you. What if Leon is the love of Erika’s life?”

I snort. “Impossible.”

Lily grabs her tummy, alluding to the miracle she is carrying. “Nothing is impossible.”

Shit, she’s never wrong about anything.

As if reading my mind, she says, “What if I am right, Ash?”

I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, I won’t say anything anymore.” Otherwise, Lily will bust my balls.

Changing the subject, I ask, “We can stay on for another week if you would like?” Having flexible work schedules means there is no pressure to be home for a specific date.

“I would love that.” Lily stretches her arms up over her head. “Let’s make it two weeks.”
