Page 127 of Frozen Flames

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In giant yellow and blue letters, his name appears across the screen, then a G, an O, an A, and lastly, a T, flash one after the other in time to the music. But then everyone laughs when the words, Although his father still holds that record… scrolls across the screen.

The music seamlessly mixes into the uplifting beat of “On Top of the World” by Imagine Dragons, which I helped to choose for this moment, and the words …so, instead we’ll call you the daddy…

He frowns as the words disappear and change to an ultrasound photo of a baby.

You’re going to be a daddy, Ash… congratulations Ash & Lily!

The loudness of the wild clapping and whopping from the fans almost shakes the arena, and it takes a few minutes for Ash to comprehend what he’s reading.

Eyes popping out of his head, he looks down at me and gasps. “Are you?”

I hold up a newborn baby sized jersey with his number and name on the back. With a huge smile that reaches my heart, I nod my head fast. “Yes.” I have to shout over the noise to be heard.

I only found out two days ago, so I’m still processing it myself. Never been one to have regular periods, I didn’t think anything of it when I hadn’t had one for three months.

For weeks, I’ve felt odd, and a little dizzy. At first, I thought I had a stomach flu, however, after days of it not getting any better, I visited the doctor. And after a few tests, she said the words I thought I would never hear. “Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

I have been bursting to tell Ash and could barely contain myself.

Just as I was walking out of the doctor’s office, Carter, the Eagles’ videographer, called to ask for some behind the scenes footage of Ash and me together. I've known Carter for over ten years; I trust him implicitly and I couldn’t resist sharing our news.

I asked him to keep it a secret. That’s when we both came up with the idea to break the news this way. It seemed fitting. The Eagles have played a huge part in both of our lives and sharing it with fans seemed right, as if we’ve come full circle.

Ash opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again.

He spins around to face me and points at his chest. “I’m going to be a dad? And you a mom?” Emotion makes his eyes fill with tears.

“Yes.” I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him.

Excitedly, he lifts me up and wraps my legs around his waist, the same way he did all those years ago, just like my favorite photo of us that sits next to my bedside.

The flame between us never went out.

It was there all along.

We took big swings to get us here.

And the love between us burns hotter than a raging inferno.

“This is the best day of my life,” he shouts in my ear, almost bursting my ear drum.

“We’re only getting started, Ash.”

The End… It’s really their beginning…




“We are so blessed.”



“This is not exactly how I imagined our first vacation in Hawaii.” Lily lays back on her chaise lounge, enjoying the sunshine around the edge of the pool.
