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‘What do they do exactly?’ Liam asked.

‘They support mothers like me, you know, after it happens.’ Sophie picked at a nail.

‘That sounds like a very worthy cause. I’m glad we can raise money for it.’

‘I just hope that we do,’ Sophie said, still nervous that the concert might not bring in the sizable donation that her mother was expecting.

‘With your solo, I’ve no doubt that we will.’ Liam smiled.

Sophie had forgotten about the solo with the excitement of everything, and a fresh wave of nausea swept over her. ‘Fingers crossed.’

‘We will,’ Liam repeated. ‘Can I get you another drink? A hot chocolate perhaps? A tea?’

Sophie was enjoying Liam’s company and wasn’t ready to go home just yet. ‘Yes please, just a tea, though. I’m driving.’

They went into the kitchen and Liam made them cups of tea.

‘Thank you,’ she said, as he passed her the mug.

‘You’ve got mascara,’ Liam said. ‘Everywhere,’ he added with a smile.

Sophie was mortified and tried to look at herself in the window’s reflection, with little success. Liam moved closer and wiped some away with his thumb, his touch sending warmth through Sophie’s body. She swallowed and put her mug down on the table before standing on her tiptoes and reaching up to brush his lips lightly with hers. They both looked at each other, waiting for some kind of blessing from the other to know it was OK to continue, that nothing in their complicated pasts was still there to stop them. Sophie still had a lot to work through, but kissing Liam made all of it feel ever so slightly better.

‘How’s your war wound?’ Liam asked, moving his thumb to where the bruising was beginning to subside on Sophie’s cheek.

‘I’m healing,’ she said, reaching her hand up to brush back the curls that had fallen over his face.

It was all the invitation he needed, leaning down to kiss Sophie properly on the lips. His hands left her face and circled her waist, holding her as close as he possibly could. After a second, he pulled away. ‘Are you OK?’ he asked, his brow furrowed.

‘I’m not going to run away this time, if that’s what you mean,’ Sophie said. She smiled and then looked down, embarrassed about the last time they’d been in this position.

‘And you’re not going to chase after that lumberjack from the pub either, are you?’ His expression looked like he meant the question seriously.

‘Definitely not.’

‘Good.’ Liam lifted Sophie’s face by the chin so that she was looking right at him. ‘There’s just something about you, Sophie Lawson,’ he said, and kissed her again.

Even though it wasn’t their first kiss, the intensity surprised her. Sophie’s stomach flipped like it always did when Liam was near, her skin sensitive to his touch as he put an arm around her waist to bring her closer to him again. He kissed her cheeks and eyelids and nose softly before kissing her mouth. Sophie’s breathing hitched as the kiss deepened. All thoughts about why kissing Liam would be a bad idea melted away to be replaced with a focus on the fact that Liam was kissing her and that it was perfect.

Liam pulled away again and looked her in the eye. She smiled, breathless from the kiss and from the stirrings it made her feel in the pit of her stomach and lower.

‘I’m not going to run away,’ she said, ‘but I don’t think I should stay.’

Liam looked hurt, one eyebrow slightly raised.

‘Cassie’s got enough going on without waking up to find me here. Imagine if you’d woken up one day to find your teacher at your house.’

Liam laughed. ‘My Year Six teacher was a very short, very old and beardy man.’

‘Exactly. It would have been weird.’ Sophie smiled.

Liam ran a hand through his hair, clearly wrestling with what he wanted to do and what he should do. Sophie smiled at his indecision. It was nice to think she had that effect on him.

Eventually he let out a groan. ‘Ugh! It’s just like you to put everyone else’s feelings before your own.’ He pulled her into a hug, his arms high on her back, and kissed her forehead.

She pulled back so that she could reach up and kiss him lightly on the lips. Something about having Liam with her made her feel safe and more confident, even.

‘You know it’s the right decision,’ she said softly.

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